Ghost Aliyun OSS Storage
It's for Ghost@1.*
This Ghost custom storage module allows you to store media file with Aliyun OSS instead of storing at local machine.
Difference between 'ghost-oss-store'
- Random the uploaded file's name, and set Content-Disposition to hold the original name
- Support Alioss Oss image process. docs
Via NPM(not suitable for ghost-cli)
Install Oss storage module
npm install ghost-storage-alioss
Make the storage folder if it doesn't exist yet
mkdir content/adapters/storage
file and export the ghost-storage-alioss modulemodule.exports = require('ghost-storage-alioss')
Via Git
In order to replace the storage module, the basic requirements are:
Create a new folder inside
Clone this repo to
cd [path/to/ghost]/content/adapters/storage mkdir alioss && cd alioss git clone ./
Install dependencies
npm install
In your config.js
file, you'll need to add a new storage
block to whichever environment you want to change:
active: 'alioss',
'alioss': {
accessKeyId: 'accessKeyId',
accessKeySecret: 'accessKeySecret',
bucket: 'bucket',
region: 'oss-cn-hangzhou',
origin: 'http(s)://', // if you have bind custom domain to oss bucket. or false
fileKey: {
prefix: 'ghost/', // {String | Function} will be formated by moment.js, using `[]` to escape,
"style": "" // {String} alioss image file style name. [docs](
headers: {
contentDisposition: 'inline' //{String} inline, attachment, or false. Set false to disabled 'Content-Disposition'
- minify the requested image file