npm install gpay-node@0.2.2



SDK library for Node.js to consume GoPay API.

NPM version Node.js version support Code coverage Dependencies Dev Dependencies Optional Dependencies GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests CLA assistant MIT licensed

Table of Contents


gopay-node requires the following to run:


Gopay Node SDK is easiest to use when installed with npm:

npm install gopay-node

or with yarn:

yarn add gopay-node


Just import the module into your code with, create an instance of it and you're set:

import SDK from "gopay-node";

const sdk = new SDK();


You can create your own SDK object configuration that only contains selected resources. In the following example show how to prepare a class that only has Stores resources available:

import { PaymentsSDK } from "gopay-node/sdk/PaymentsSDK";

import { Stores } from "gopay-node/resources";
// OR directly
import { Stores } from "gopay-node/resources/Stores";

class CustomSDK extends PaymentsSDK {
    constructor (options?: RestAPIOptions) {
        this.stores = new Stores(this.api);

const customSdk = new CustomSDK();

API Documentation



The library is written in TypeScript and thus type definitions are already included. You can just import compnents of the SDK as usual.

Browser usage

This module is primarily design for Node.js, However it is possible to use it in the browser when it is transpiled by a bundler such as Webpack or Rollup.

For optimizing your build and making it smaller you can also use a module gopay-node-es which is exported as ES module and thus supports Tree shaking.


To contribute to gopay-node, clone this repo locally and commit your code on a separate branch. Please write unit tests for your code and run the linter before opening a pull request:

npm test        # run the tests
npm run linter  # run the linter


gopay-node is licensed under the MIT license. Copyright © 2018, GoPay Team