
GraphQL Code Generator plugin for generating a CRUD TypeScript Config for Hasura from Documents

apollo-client, apollo-graphql, apollographql, automation, codegen, graphql, hasura, typescript
npm install graphql-codegen-hasura-core@4.10.0



graphql-codegen-hasura is a collection of code generator plugins for graphql-code-generator. These plugins are designed to automate some coding tasks around the development of a strongly typed Hasura backend with an Apollo GraphQL React client.


These plugins allow for the following approaches to Hasura client code generation (or a combination of both):

  1. Table First: Generate Hasura client code (gql & TypeScript) for every table defined in Hasura. This approach allows you to get up and running the fastest. However, it may result in a lot of unused (and so unnecessary) code being generated.

  2. Fragment First: Generate Hasura client code (gql & TypeScript) for every fragment defined in the target source code. This approach approach will generally provide greater long-term flexibility as it allows you to define and work with nested entity graphs. It also will only generate the code you need. However, it is slightly less automated, as it requires you to define graph fragments manually

The Plugins

These plugins require and augment the existing fantastic GraphQL code generator plugins available from graphql-code-generator

  • The graphql-codegen-hasura-gql-from-schema plugin generates CRUD gql fragments, mutations and queries for every Table defined in the Hasura database
  • The graphql-codegen-hasura-gql-from-documents plugin generates CRUD gql mutations and queries for every Fragment defined in the targeted (code) documents.
  • The graphql-codegen-hasura-typescript-from-schema plugin generates CRUD TypeScript helper methods for every Table defined in the Hasura database.
  • The graphql-codegen-hasura-typescript-from-documents plugin generates CRUD TypeScript helper methods for every Fragment defined in the targeted (code) documents.


This is a mono-repo project that contains multiple npm packages (under the packages folder), in addition to a demo project (under the demo folder).


The easiest way to quickly get going is to view the following files in the demo project as a starting point:

It is important to note: The TypeScript Generation leverages the files created in the GQL generation step. As such, it is important to run the GQL generation step prior to the TypeScript generation step.


  1. Start with an existing TypeScript React app, or create one using:
    create-react-app my-project --typescript
  1. Add the package dependencies required by graphql-codegen-hasura:
    yarn add @graphql-codegen/cli @graphql-codegen/introspection @graphql-codegen/typescript @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations @graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo
  1. Add the graphql-codegen-hasura packages:
    yarn add graphql-codegen-hasura-gql-from-schema graphql-codegen-hasura-gql-from-documents graphql-codegen-hasura-typescript-from-schema graphql-codegen-hasura-typescript-from-documents
  1. Create configuration YAML files (see below)

  2. Run the codegen commands in a command console

graphql-codegen --config=graphql-codegen-gql.yaml;
graphql-codegen --config=graphql-codegen-typescript.yaml


See graphql-code-generator documentation for configuration instructions. See below for the specific configuration flags that are available on these plugins

graphql-codegen-hasura-gql-from-schema plugin

  • reactApolloVersion (2 | 3, default value: 3): sets the version of react-apollo
  • fragmentRelativeImportPath: import path to the gql fragment generated code. Only required if withFragments:false
  • trimString: optional string to trim from each type name. Useful for trimming Hasura prepended schema name
  • withFragments: boolean flag for fragment gql code generation
  • withQueries: boolean flag for query gql code generation
  • withInserts: boolean flag for insert gql code generation
  • withUpdates: boolean flag for update gql code generation
  • withDeletes: boolean flag for delete gql code generation

graphql-codegen-hasura-gql-documents plugin

  • reactApolloVersion (2 | 3, default value: 3): sets the version of react-apollo
  • typescriptCodegenOutputPath: import path to the code generated with dependent @graphql-codegen/typescript generated code
  • withQueries: boolean flag for query TypeScript code generation
  • withInserts: boolean flag for insert TypeScript code generation
  • withUpdates: boolean flag for update TypeScript code generation
  • withDeletes: boolean flag for delete TypeScript code generation

graphql-codegen-hasura-typescript-schema plugin

  • reactApolloVersion (2 | 3, default value: 3): sets the version of react-apollo
  • typescriptCodegenOutputPath: import path to the code generated with dependent @graphql-codegen/typescript generated code
  • trimString: optional string to trim from each type name. Useful for trimming Hasura prepended schema name
  • withQueries: boolean flag for query TypeScript code generation
  • withInserts: boolean flag for insert TypeScript code generation
  • withUpdates: boolean flag for update TypeScript code generation
  • withDeletes: boolean flag for delete TypeScript code generation

graphql-codegen-hasura-typescript-documents plugin

  • reactApolloVersion (2 | 3, default value: 3): sets the version of react-apollo
  • typescriptCodegenOutputPath: import path to the code generated with dependent @graphql-codegen/typescript generated code
  • trimString: optional string to trim from each type name. Useful for trimming Hasura prepended schema name
  • withQueries: boolean flag for query TypeScript code generation
  • withInserts: boolean flag for insert TypeScript code generation
  • withUpdates: boolean flag for update TypeScript code generation
  • withDeletes: boolean flag for delete TypeScript code generation

Plugin Details

graphql-codegen-hasura-gql-from-schema plugin


Generates gql fragments, mutations and queries for every Table defined in the Hasura database.

See demo/src/autogen/hasura/gql-from-schema.ts for generated output files.

Example Output for User Entity

// users GQL

// Scalar Fields Fragment

export const UsersModelFields = gql`
  fragment UsersModelFields on users {

// Mutation: Insert

  mutation insertUsersModel($objects: [users_insert_input!]!, $onConflict: users_on_conflict) {
    insert_users(objects: $objects, on_conflict: $onConflict) {
      returning {

// Query: FetchById

  query fetchUsersModelById($usersId: Int!) {
    users_by_pk(id: $usersId) {

// Query: Fetch

  query fetchUsersModel($distinct_on: [users_select_column!], $where: users_bool_exp, $limit: Int, $offset: Int, $order_by: [users_order_by!]) {
    users(distinct_on: $distinct_on, where: $where, limit: $limit, offset: $offset, order_by: $order_by) {

// Mutation: Update by Id

  mutation updateUsersModelById($id: Int, $set: users_set_input) {
    update_users(_set: $set, where: { id: { _eq: $id } }) {
      returning {

// Mutation: Update

  mutation updateUsersModel($set: users_set_input, $where: users_bool_exp!) {
    update_users(_set: $set, where: $where) {
      returning {

// Mutation: Remove by Id

  mutation removeUsersModelById($id: Int) {
    delete_users(where: { id: { _eq: $id } }) {

// Mutation: Remove

  mutation removeUsersModel($where: users_bool_exp!) {
    delete_users(where: $where) {

graphql-codegen-hasura-gql-from-documents plugin


Generates CRUD gql mutations and queries for every Fragment defined in the targeted (code) documents.

See demo/src/autogen/hasura/gql-from-documents.ts for generated output files.

Example Output

This has the same output as the graphql-codegen-hasura-typescript-from-schema plugin, except that the generated code is fragment-driven, as opposed to table-driven

graphql-codegen-hasura-typescript-from-schema plugin


Generates CRUD TypeScript helper methods for every Table defined in the Hasura database

The existing @graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo plugin already provides this capability for hooks. This plugin extends that to direct client.query & client.mutate calls, in addition to adding some convenience features.

See demo/src/autogen/hasura/typescript-from-schema.ts for generated output files.

Example Output for User Entity

// users Helpers

// Insert Helper

export async function insertUsersModel(
  apolloClient: ApolloClient<object>,
  usersId: string,
  mutationOptions: Omit<MutationOptions<InsertUsersModelMutation, InsertUsersModelMutationVariables>, "mutation">
): Promise<{ result: FetchResult<InsertUsersModelMutation>; returning: (UsersModelFieldsFragment | null | undefined)[] | null | undefined }> {
  const result = await apolloClient.mutate<InsertUsersModelMutation, InsertUsersModelMutationVariables>({ mutation: InsertUsersModelDocument, ...mutationOptions });

  const returning = result && && &&!.returning;

  return { result, returning };

// Fetch Helper

export async function fetchUsersModelById(apolloClient: ApolloClient<object>, usersId: string): Promise<UsersModelFieldsFragment | null | undefined> {
  const usersResult = await apolloClient.query<FetchUsersModelByIdQuery>({ query: FetchUsersModelByIdDocument, variables: { id: usersId } });

export async function fetchUsersModel(
  apolloClient: ApolloClient<object>,
  usersId: string,
  queryOptions: Omit<QueryOptions<FetchUsersModelQueryVariables>, "query">
): Promise<UsersModelFieldsFragment[] | null | undefined> {
  const usersResult = await apolloClient.query<FetchUsersModelQuery>({ query: FetchUsersModelDocument, ...queryOptions });

// Update Helper

export async function updateUsersModelById(
  apolloClient: ApolloClient<object>,
  usersId: number,
  set: Users_Set_Input,
  mutationOptions: Omit<MutationOptions<UpdateUsersModelByIdMutation, UpdateUsersModelByIdMutationVariables>, "mutation">
): Promise<{ result: FetchResult<UpdateUsersModelByIdMutation>; returning: (UsersModelFieldsFragment | null | undefined)[] | null | undefined }> {
  const result = await apolloClient.mutate<UpdateUsersModelByIdMutation, UpdateUsersModelByIdMutationVariables>({
    mutation: UpdateUsersModelByIdDocument,
    variables: { id: usersId, set },

  const returning = result && && &&!.returning;

  return { result, returning };

export async function updateUsersModel(
  apolloClient: ApolloClient<object>,
  mutationOptions: Omit<MutationOptions<UpdateUsersModelMutation, UpdateUsersModelMutationVariables>, "mutation">
): Promise<{ result: FetchResult<UpdateUsersModelMutation>; returning: (UsersModelFieldsFragment | null | undefined)[] | null | undefined }> {
  const result = await apolloClient.mutate<UpdateUsersModelMutation, UpdateUsersModelMutationVariables>({ mutation: UpdateUsersModelDocument, ...mutationOptions });

  const returning = result && && &&!.returning;

  return { result, returning };

// Delete Helper

export async function removeUsersModelById(
  apolloClient: ApolloClient<object>,
  usersId: number,
  mutationOptions: Omit<MutationOptions<RemoveUsersModelByIdMutation, RemoveUsersModelByIdMutationVariables>, "mutation">
): Promise<{ result: FetchResult<RemoveUsersModelByIdMutation>; returning: number | null | undefined }> {
  const result = await apolloClient.mutate<RemoveUsersModelByIdMutation, RemoveUsersModelByIdMutationVariables>({
    mutation: RemoveUsersModelByIdDocument,
    variables: { id: usersId },

  const returning = result && && &&!.affected_rows;

  return { result, returning };

export async function removeUsersModel(
  apolloClient: ApolloClient<object>,
  mutationOptions: Omit<MutationOptions<RemoveUsersModelMutation, RemoveUsersModelMutationVariables>, "mutation">
): Promise<{ result: FetchResult<RemoveUsersModelMutation>; returning: number | null | undefined }> {
  const result = await apolloClient.mutate<RemoveUsersModelMutation, RemoveUsersModelMutationVariables>({ mutation: RemoveUsersModelDocument, ...mutationOptions });

  const returning = result && && &&!.affected_rows;

  return { result, returning };

graphql-codegen-hasura-typescript-from-documents plugin


Generates CRUD TypeScript helper methods for every Fragment defined in the targeted (code) documents.

The existing @graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo plugin already provides this capability for hooks. This plugin extends that to direct client.query & client.mutate calls, in addition to adding some convenience features.

See demo/src/autogen/hasura/typescript-from-documents.ts for generated output files.

Example Output

This has the same output as the graphql-codegen-hasura-typescript-from-schema plugin, except that the generated code is fragment-driven, as opposed to table-driven

Naming Conventions

A basic naming convention being followed:

  • *Model is used for any entity or fieldset that contains only scalars, and not child entities are referenced or included
  • *Graph is used for any entity or fieldset that contains or references child entities


The demo project is simply:

  • A vanilla Create-React-App application
  • A basic integration of this graphql-codegen-hasura tool
  • Configured to point to the demo hasura database:
  • The code generation results have be produced, and committed to the /demo/src/autogen folder


Hasura is a fantastic tool for the rapid development of a GraphQL backend. Apollo GraphQL is a suite of GraphQL tooling, including a great Client. graphql-code-generator is a very helpful code generation tool and library, to automate the generation of much of the boilerplate code required to use GraphQL. However, there still remained quite a bit of boiler plate code to be written.

The consistency and predictability of the Hasura GQL backend implementation, provided an opportunity to automate much of the remaining code for standard single-table mutations and queries, and multi-table helper code. This plugin is an attempt to help do this.

Disclaimers & Known Issues

This code was initially developed for use in a single separate commercial project. It is being shared in case useful to others, and as a contribution to the development community and the great GraphQL tools that already exist. The original implementation did just enough to meet the goals and needs of the initial project.

Known Issues Include:

  • Hasura views will break the code generation

Refinements and Enhancements Needed

There are many refinements and enhancements that would be beneficial, and contributions to that end are encouraged. Notable examples include:

  • Fix known issues
  • Add validation (especially for checking for package prerequisites). See these docs
  • Extend capabilities to facilitate codegen for multi-table queries and mutations. One implementation strategy is to perhaps generate gql and helper code from user-defined gql fragments. Will require some design work.
  • Rewrite the plugins to use the graphql-code-generator recommended Visitor pattern


  • This is development is not affiliated with either the graphql-code-generator team, the Hasura team, or the Apollo GraphQL team.
  • graphql-code-generator only picking up gql from 'graphql-tag' import, and not the newer '@apollo/client' import. The 'graphql-tag' import will continue to be used until this is addressed, even for react-apollo v3.