
mirror x 2 on the wall, who's the gruntest of them all?

grunt, test, testing, webdriver, options
npm install gruntest@0.0.3


gruntest -- grunt test tests with the best Build Status


Front-end testing web driver helpers …

The grunt plugin task is not working yet. After that's done, there will be more documentation, tests, and some examples.


Gruntest depends on webdriver-enabled browsers, headless or otherwise, and the various webdrivers or services, without which such webdriven tests won't run. Here are some options, of which, just the first two have been tried / confirmed to work.


Phantom is the easiest way to get started, also the default. It comes with a webdriver called ghostdriver. Run it with phantomjs --webdriver=9134. If you must use a different port, gruntest should be told / configured accordingly.

Selenium 2

With Selenium, one can drive pretty much any browser. Chrome is gruntest's, further configurable, choice - for which, one also needs Google's chromedriver. Turn it on using the drive: "selenium" option.

Sauce Labs

This hasn't been tried, nor tested yet. With a little configuration, it should work just fine. You will likely need an account and a server where the site / app being tested is reachable via Internet - obviously not the totally localhost kind of testing.


Well, not there yet, but maybe some day. I spotted this node-wd-zombie, which I bet will take quite some time to get worked out. Zombie 2.0 is still far from stable, and then somebody should want to webdrive it?


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