
Gulp success and error notifications

gulp, notifications, notify
npm install gulp-notifier@1.0.6



Made For NPM Made For Gulp

Manage CLI and popup notification messages.


npm i @marknotton/notifier --save-dev
const notifier = require('@marknotton/notifier');


gulp.task('someTask', () => {
  return gulp.src([...])
  .pipe(plumber({errorHandler: notifier.error }))


Option Type Default Details
project String Package.json 'name' Project name. Will appear as a subheading.
exclusions String '.map' Files that match any part of this string will be excluded from any notification
prefix String - String to add before the notification message
suffix String - String to add after the notification message
popups Bool true Prevent popups from showing. Console logs will still be rendered. Defaults to false on non 'dev' environments.
success String Success Icon to use on success messages. Can be relative to the project folder or an absolute URL. An attempt will be made to look for a 'icon.png' in your projects root directly.
error String Success Icon to use on error messages. Can be relative to the project folder or an absolute URL
messages String Files compiled successfully The message you want to display. This can be a shorthand name that references an object key defined in the defaults function (see below)
extra Array/String - Manually add extra files to log out, regardless of whether they are actually part of the stream

A string will be defined as the message or message shorthand.

notifier.success('js', { project : 'My Project', ...})

Notice the use of a shorthand name as the first parameter. This will look for the keys in the default settings object. So you can list all your messages in one place.

Defining your default settings

You can preset the above options with the settings function. This will be refereed as your default options for every notifier instance.

  project : 'My Project,
  success : 'images/icon.png',
  messages  : {
    js      : 'Javascript files compiled!',
    sass    : 'Looking gooooood!'