Modular Gulp

npm install gulpstream@0.3.8



Modular Gulp


GulpStream encapsulates GulpGlob, PolyPipe and GulpDest.

It is used to create/recall any such triplet in a unique manner as Streamer, thus making it easy to create and recycle common Gulp pipelines.


The GulpStream constructor expects to receive special arrays, one per mode.

Each array is preprocessed to extract relevant information to infer the mode name and to construct the GulpGlob, GulpDest and PolyPipe objects.

  • mode: Using the first string element or 'default'.
  • glob: Merging all GulpGlob's, SimpleGulpGlob's and {glob} elements, glob being a string or an array of strings as valid file paths or patterns.
  • dest: One per mode, either a GulpDest, a SimpleGulpDest or {dest}. The first mode to have one defined imposes its dest to all modes that have none.
  • pipe: Merging all PolyPipe's, MonoPipe's and {pipe} elements in sequence, pipe being an array of arrays of gulp plugins and their arguments, as in [[newer, 'tmp'], [babel], [debug]]. Shorthands will work when there are no arguments for plugins: babel or [babel] or [[babel]] will all work, as well as [babel, debug]. But [newer, 'tmp'] won't. It must be [[newer, 'tmp']].
import GulpStream from 'gulpstream';
import GulpGlob from 'gulpglob';
import GulpDest from 'gulpdest';
import PolyPipe from 'polypipe';
import babel from 'gulp-babel';

const glob = 'src/*.js';
const dest = 'build';
const pipe = [babel];

const g1 = new GulpStream(
  [{glob, dest}],
  ['transpile', {glob, dest, pipe}]


As a Polyton, a GulpStream actually encapsulates several Streamer's. This allows to switch dynamically between pipelines and dests while keeping the same source.

Passing a string as one of the Streamer initial arguments is understood to be a mode name.

Method setMode(mode) allows to change mode. Mode is changed implicitly is you pass {mode} to one of src(options), stream(options) or dest(options).


gulpstream is MIT licensed.

© 2016-2018 Jason Lenoble