Front end for managing feature toggles in etcd

npm install hobknob@0.0.7


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Hobknob is a feature toggle front-end built on top of etcd. It allows users to create and modify feature toggles, which can then be accesesed in your applications.

Full Documentation

See the Wiki for full documentation, examples, operational details and other information.

Running the application


The quickest way to run the app locally is to use Vagrant. If you don't have Vagrant you should install it from here. vagrant up will spin up a vagrant instance and install etcd and Hobknob, which are exposed on ports 4001 and 3006 respectfully. Hobknob itself is deployed in a Docker container inside of the vagrant instance.


There seems to be an existing issue with Vagrant version 1.7.2 when attempting to install Docker. Currently, Vagrant version 1.7.4 will work.


The application is dependant on NodeJS version 0.10.26. This can be downloaded here.


A local (or development) installation of Hobknob is configured to use a locally running etcd instance. A useful guide is available here. Or, here is a simple way to etcd up and running on a Mac:

$ curl -L | tar xvz
$ cd etcd-v0.4.6-darwin-amd64
$ ./etcd


The following will checkout and run Hobknob (accessible

$ git clone
$ cd hobknob
$ npm install
$ grunt
$ npm start

it's kind of important for contributors (not users) \|/

Testing with Protractor

We've integrated protractor for end-to-end testing. To start these tests run:

# Make sure you have the app running first
$ npm test

Preparing the config

Client-side configuration specifies following settings:

  • if authentication is required (be default it's not),
  • etcd host and port,
  • host and port of hobknob,
  • categories which simply means what kind of feature toggles can be created,
  • plugin

To generate the client-side config, you need to run the following command (until we find a better solution):

$ grunt

It'll apply configuration stored in config/config.json.

You can then access the site on

Configuring Feature Categories

You can define the feature categories in the configuration file (config/config.json). Note, category id 0 is reserved for the simple, single value feature toggle category (however, you can still specify it in the config to set the name and description).



    "categories": [
            "id": 0, // id = 0 is reserved for the simple feature category only. Name and description are optional
            "name": "Simple Features",
            "description": "Use when you want your feature to be either on or off"
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Domain Features",
            "description": "Use when you want your features to be toggled separately for different domains (e.g. com, couk, fr, ...)",
            "values": ["com", "couk", "de", "fr"] // must define values when id != 0

Hobknob Clients

There are several clients for different languages.

Bugs and Feedback

For bugs, questions and discussions please use the Github Issues.

Release Notes

2.0.x Breaking audit trail changes

Feature audits are now stored in the following etcd directory: http://etcd_host:etcd_port/v2/keys/v1/audit/feature/.

Use the included script to migrate the audit trail made in versions of Hobknob prior to release 2.0.

node scripts/migrate_etcd_audit_2.0.js <etcd_host> <etcd_port>