Hubot bustabit integration which supports single or multi person betting. Future versions will support betting with personal funds along with the current community fund only mode.
The screenshot bellow is using Discord, but you may use Twitch, Slack, or anything.
For this script to work you must keep a browser logged in to and you must follow
the directions in bustabit_script.js
(copy paste it to
See src/bustabit.js
for full documentation.
Node & Hubot
Once you have insalled Hubot, in hubot's root directory, run:
npm install hubot-bustabit --save
Then add hubot-bustabit to your external-scripts.json
Your hubot should now have bustabit integration - Fund wallet and get rollen!
Sample Ussage
user1>> bet 100 1.01
hubot>> Betting 100 bit(s) next game. [Cashout @ x1.01]
hubot>> Bet placed, you may rebet.
hubot>> You won 101.00 bit(s). Total 743