
A simple helpful robot for your Company

hubot, hubot-scripts, slack, github, pull-requests, pulls
npm install hubot-github-reminder@1.1.20


Hubot Github Bot

A hubot script to list and recurrently remind you about open pull requests. Optionally receive direct messages when you are assigned to a pull request in your organization or for a specific repo or set of repos.

The implementation of this bot is simular to the difference is that remiders are send as direct messages to the users. Pullrequest results are cached each day at 4:00am or when starting the bot. And daily updates to the cache are done using webhooks


  • coffeescript
  • cron
  • octokat
  • moment
  • underscore
  • fuse.js


  • HUBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN - Github Application Token
  • HUBOT_GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET - Optional, if you are using webhooks and have a secret set this for additional security checks on payload delivery
  • HUBOT_GITHUB_URL - Set this value if you are using Github Enterprise default:
  • HUBOT_GITHUB_ORG - Github Organization Name (the one in the url)

###Commands When you start using the both always first provide your github username

  • hubot github I am xxxx - anter your Github username
  • hubot github open - Shows a list of open pull requests for the repo of this room
  • hubot github reminder hh:mm - I'll remind about open pull requests in this room at hh:mm every weekday.
  • hubot github list reminders - See all pull request reminders for this room.
  • hubot github delete hh:mm reminder - If you have a reminder at hh:mm, I'll delete it.
  • hubot github delete all reminders - Deletes all reminders for this room.

####Notifications via Webhooks In order to receive github notifications you will need to setup a github webhook for either your entire organization or per repository. You can find instructions to do so on Github's website. You will need your hubot to be reachable from the outside world for this to work. GithubBot is listening on /hubot/github-events. Currently the following notifications are available:

  • Pull Request Assignment (please ensure the webhook sends pull request events for this to work)

Note: in order for direct messages (notifications) to work GithubBot attempts to to find your github username you provided with the command hubot github I am xxxx