A node wrapper around hubtel sms api. [WIP]
yarn add hubtel-sms-node
Sending message using hubtel
const hubtel = require('hubtel-sms-node')({
clientId: 'your key here',
clientSecret: 'your secret here'
let payload = {
from: "Sample Message",
to: '2330244161819',
registeredDelivery: true,
message: 'Yo, this should work.. hehe'
hubtel.sendSMS(payload).then((response) => {
/* play with response */
}).catch(error => {
/* handle errors here */
- Update docs to include type of response recieved after making request.
- Check status of messages sent (add new method)
- Add a 5 second break between requests to make sure we are following api rules.
- Sanitize and encode input
- Write tests for library
- Use a seperate method to build url