
Internationalize JSDoc inside Typescript typing files

i18n, typescript, internationalization, typescript-definitions
npm install i18n-typings@0.9.7



Internationalize JSDoc inside Typescript typing files

e2e Tests


While working at Nullstack typings file, the view of VSCode supporting almost instantly any JSDocs typed appeared as a perfect opportunity to seamlessly and minimalistically bring the docs to devs.

And, why wouldn't it be internationalized?

Current Specification

The tests folder is where all examples happens.

In locales folder all i18n files are stored (all .js for limitless possibilities purpose).

They are read in order as one Array of strings and it's data injected in corresponding comments in the index.d.ts, replacing them by a localized version.

If the quantity of comments in the typing file is different from the i18n, an warning is throw.

CLI Usage

# install globally using npm
npm install i18n-typings -g
# or yarn
yarn global add i18n-typings

i18n-types CLI can understand a series of commands, which currently are:

i18n-types -v # shows installed version
i18n-types help # shows help information

# use custom i18n files from a path containing a "locales" folder
# replacing/adding to ones at target package (e.g "i18n-typings")
i18n-types --locale "./my-path"

# restore backup files previously saved in "i18n-ts-backup"
i18n-types --restore

# create i18n file from comments in the current dir code
# you can specify the lang you going to contribute (default: en-US)
i18n-types --create <lang>
