
Istanbul and JSCoverage-style instrumentation for Iced CoffeeScript files.

javascript, coffeescript, iced, iced-coffee-script, icedcoffeescript, coverage, code coverage, test, unit test, istanbul, jscoverage, coveralls
npm install iced-coffee-coverage@1.0.21


Istanbul and JSCoverage-style instrumentation for Iced CoffeeScript files.

Benbria+Doublerebel IcedCoffeeCoverage

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Instruments Iced CoffeeScript files for code coverage. Compiles (.iced|.coffee) files to .js files, and adds JSCoverage or Istanbul style instrumentation for the original iced coffee script source.



Quick Start

Assuming you have a folder named "test" full of mocha tests, which directly loads your (.iced|.coffee) files, then from your project's folder, run:

$ npm install --save-dev iced-coffee-coverage
$ npm install --save-dev istanbul
$ mocha --recursive --compilers coffee:iced-coffee-script/register --require iced-coffee-coverage/register-istanbul test

$ ./node_modules/.bin/istanbul report

You should now have an Istanbul coverage report in ./coverage/lcov-report/index.html.

If this doesn't quite do what you're after, check out our tutorials below:


Have coffee-coverage working in a setup not described above? Raise an issue and let us know how you're using iced-coffee-coverage, so we can document it here.

What it Does

Benbria+Doublerebel Iced CoffeeCoverage is a tool for determining the coverage of your unit tests. It does this by instrumenting (.iced|.coffee) files to see how often each line, branch, or function is executed. Iced CoffeeCoverage is capable of producing both Istanbul and JSCoverage style instrumentation.