Circus is a browser written in pure JavaScript/HTML (self-interpreter and meta-circular evaluator). It is useful for lightweight headless rendering and building sophisticated debuggers for application and A/B testing.

izyware, circus
npm install izy-circus@1.0.39



Universal rendering component for Izyware


If you are using npm (the Node.js package manager) always ensure that your npm is up-to-date by running:

npm update -g npm

Then use:

npm install izy-circus


Circus is a browser written in pure JavaScript/HTML (self-interpreter and meta-circular evaluator). It is useful for lightweight headless rendering and building sophisticated debuggers for application and A/B testing.

You can either use it from the commandline interface:

node cli.js 

Or you can use it inside your node app (i.e. izy-proxy uses circus to render server side components).

  var _circus = require('izy-circus');
  var outcome = _circus.factory(config);

izy-proxy dev environment

you can simply configure the package to auto reload and do

rsync -av --progress ./* ../izy-proxy/node_modules/izy-circus --exclude node_modules


node cli.js method test

Assertion Library

You can use the test/lib/assert library for adding assertions to your tests.

Writing Tests

Writing tests has been simplifying by using the Izy Chains technology:

	['test', 'cases/alttext', 'show alt text for images'],
	['test', 'cases/htags', 'should put the title and description as h1, h2 and the rest as div'],
	['test', 'cases/headers', 'should insert the correct device and meta headers'],
	function(_do) {
		modtask.Log('************** All tests passed! ***************');

Each test case gets implement inside test/cases/... and should implement runTest. The framework will contextualize the chain for the test module.

For example, alttext.js

var modtask = {};
modtask.runTest = function(doChain) {
	  ['assert/serverResponse', { status: 200 }],
	  ['assert/serverResponse', { body: 'img alt="1_title_content"' }]

HTML Warning Comments

In addition to providing performance and diagnostics via HTTP headers, WARNINGS are also logged as html comments. For example:

<!------------ IzyCircus WARNING[setMetaData]: !pulse.address || ! is missing. link will be affected !------------>

Izy Cloud Watch will scan your pages for warnings like this and alert if there are any content generation issues.


for more details, visit

Known Issues

  • retire test/lib/assert and use the izy-proxy assertion librariy instead

Change Log

  • refactored the loadPackageIfNotPresent inside izy-circus/render/v3.js to use the configurable pkgloader using izy-proxy 2.0;