
A simple JavaScript IOC that ties constructor arguments (dependencies) to variables or other constructors recursively.

ioc, di, di-container, javascript-ioc
npm install javascript-ioc@2.3.3



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A simple JavaScript IOC that ties constructor arguments (dependencies) to variables or other constructors recursively.

This library is small and has no dependencies on any other package. This library is framework agnostic and is not intended to be used as a service locator. Ideally you'll organize and define your dependency bindings in the bootstrapping of your application and then call the ioc.get method from a single location in your code that gives your chosen framework the constructed object. This can help give your application a more decoupled design. You could even decouple your app from the framework ;) This library has a very simple API that could be replaced by another IOC later if you wish.

Here is some example usage in a small project: Bowling Kata.

Also, here is some example usage from the unit tests:

import { Ioc } from 'javascript-ioc';

beforeEach(() => ioc = new Ioc());

it("should inject dependencies into classes", () => {
    Dependency1 = function () {
        this.prop1 = "success1";
    Dependency2 = function () {
        this.prop1 = "success2";
    ioc.bind("dependency1", { toConstructor: Dependency1 });
    ioc.bind("dependency2", { toConstructor: Dependency2 });

    class ClassImpl {
        constructor(dependency1, dependency2) {
            this.prop1 = dependency1.prop1;
            this.prop2 = dependency2.prop1;

    var impl = ioc.get(ClassImpl);


it("should get instance by contract name", () => {
    Dependency1 = function () {
        this.prop = "success";

    ioc.bind("DependencyName", { toConstructor: Dependency1 });


it("should support nested dependencies recursively", () => {
    Dependency1 = function () {
        this.prop1 = "success1";
    Dependency2 = function () {
        this.prop1 = "success2";
    Implementation = function (dependency1, dependency2) {
        this.prop1 = dependency1.prop1;
        this.prop2 = dependency2.prop1;
    Implementation2 = function (impl) {
        this.success = impl.prop1;
    ioc.bind("impl", { toConstructor: Implementation });
    ioc.bind("dependency1", { toConstructor: Dependency1 });
    ioc.bind("dependency2", { toConstructor: Dependency2 });


it("should support shallow ES6 object matching", () => {
    Dependency1 = function () {
        this.prop1 = "success1";
    Dependency2 = function () {
        this.prop1 = "success2";
    ManualDepImpl = function (dependency0, {dependency1, dependency2}, dependency3) {
        this.prop0 = dependency0;
        this.prop1 = dependency1.prop1;
        this.prop2 = dependency2.prop1;
        this.prop3 = dependency3;
    ManualDepImpl.prototype.dependencies = ["dependency0", ["dependency1", "dependency2"], "dependency3"];
    ioc.bind("dependency0", { toConstant: "success0" });
    ioc.bind("dependency1", { toConstructor: Dependency1 });
    ioc.bind("dependency2", { toConstructor: Dependency2 });
    ioc.bind("dependency3", { toConstant: "success3" });

    var result = ioc.get(ManualDepImpl);


it("should support minification via declaring dependencies in prototype.dependencies property", () => {
    Dependency1 = function () {
        this.prop1 = "success1";
    Dependency2 = function () {
        this.prop1 = "success2";
    ManualDepImpl = function (d1, d2) {
        this.prop1 = d1.prop1;
        this.prop2 = d2.prop1;
    ManualDepImpl.prototype.dependencies = ["dependency1", "dependency2"];
    ioc.bind("dependency1", { toConstructor: Dependency1 });
    ioc.bind("dependency2", { toConstructor: Dependency2 });

    var result = ioc.get(ManualDepImpl);


it("should support binding to constants, not just constructors", () => {
    ioc.bind("constTest", { toConstant: "constant success" });
    Implementation = function (constTest) { this.prop1 = constTest; };

    expect(ioc.get(Implementation).prop1).to.equal("constant success");

it("should automatically call bind to constructor or bind to constant", () => {
    ioc.bind("testConst", { to: { prop: "constant worked" } });
    ioc.bind("testConstruct", { to: function () { this.prop = "constructor works"; } });
    var impl = function (testConst, testConstruct) {
        this.testConst = testConst;
        this.testConstruct = testConstruct

    var inst = ioc.get(impl);

    expect(inst.testConst.prop).to.equal("constant worked");
    expect(inst.testConstruct.prop).to.equal("constructor works");