
Helper module for string to provide support for common functions related to string, except javascript built-in objects.

helper functions, javascript string, js string, change case, string, open source
npm install js-string-helper@0.1.3



Helper module for string to provide support for common functions related to string, except javascript built-in objects. It's open source and any one is welcome to contribute.


npm install --save js-string-helper


import {trim, isEmail, getLinksFromText} from 'js-string-helper'


URL Validation

Method output Explanation
isUrl boolean check whether a string is an URL
isImageUrl boolean check whether an URL is link of an image
getDomain string get domain name of the url
hasValidUrlProtocol boolean check whether a url has valid url protocol
removeQueryString boolean return url without query string
getQueryString object return object with all the parameter name and parameter value
getLastPathname boolean return the last pathname of the url


const exampleUrl = 'https://example.com/img.jpg?param1=1234&param2=5678'

isUrl(exampleUrl)  // true

getDomain(exampleUrl)  // example.com

hasValidUrlProtocol(exampleUrl)  // true

removeQueryString(exampleUrl)  // https://example.com/img.jpg

getQueryString(exampleUrl)  // { 'param1': "1234", 'param2': '5678' }

getLastPathname(exampleUrl)  // img.jpg

isImageUrl(exampleUrl)  // true


String Validation

Method output Explanation
isEmail boolean check whether a string is email
isPhoneNumber boolean check whether a string is phone number of length 10
getLinksFromText string extract url from a text
removeSpecialCharacter string return text without any special character
clean string same as removeSpecialCharacter


isEmail("hello@gmail.com")  // true

isPhoneNumber("01095273239")  // true 

getLinksFromText("dummy text of https://www.lipsum.com/ in the printing")  // https://www.lipsum.com/ 

removeSpecialCharacter("Campum efficitur, , pulcherrimum; #sequimur teneam ullo! ")  // Campum efficitur  pulcherrimum sequimur teneam ullo  asp

Case Styles

Method output Explanation
toTitleCase string capitalize first character of each word in a string
toCamelCase string capitalize first character of each word (except first word)
toPascalCase string capitalize first character of each word
toKebabCase string replace space between words with hyphen ( - )
toSnakeCase string replace space between words with underscore ( _ )


toTitleCase("hello world")  // Hello World

toCamelCase("hello world")  // helloWorld

toPascalCase("hello world")  // HelloWorld

toKebabCase("hello world")  // hello-world

toSnakeCase("hello world")  // hello_world