
A utility for turning a JSON:API response back in to a hierarchical data structure

npm install json-api-rehydrate@0.2.2


JSON:API rehydrate

JSON:API rehydrate is a small, fast, dependencyless utility for "rehydrating" (or deserializing) json:api responses back in to hierarchical data structures for easier use on the front-end.


  1. Download a copy of the json-api-rehydrate.js
  2. Include the library in to your webpage.
  3. Call it on your json:api payload var data = jsonApiReHydrate.rehydrate( jsonApiPayload );

Alternately you can;

  • Install using NPM run npm install json-api-rehydrate
  • Install using Bower run bower install json-api-rehydrate

Basic usage

By default the jsonApiReHydrate will be added to the window object making it globally available. (Unless loaded via AMD or otherwise).

To rehydrate a response with the utility simply call its rehydrate method with the json:api response you would like to hydrate.

// response = myApi.fetch("some-json-api-endpoint");
var data = jsonApiReHydrate.rehydrate(response);


The json:api response below

	"data": {
		"type": "people",
		"id": "1",
		"attributes": {
			"name": "Dave"
		"relationships": {
			"published": {
				"data": [
						"type": "books",
						"id": "1"
						"type": "books",
						"id": "2"
	"included": [
			"type": "books",
			"id": "1",
			"attributes": {
				"title": "Foo",
				"year": 1991
			"type": "books",
			"id": "2",
			"attributes": {
				"title": "Bar",
				"year": 2015

Will produce the following output

	"name": "Dave",
	"id": "1",
	"published": [
			"title": "Foo",
			"year": 1991,
			"id": "1"
			"title": "Bar",
			"year": 2015,
			"id": "2"

Additional features

A number of additional functions are available on each of the objects & arrays return by the json-api-rehydrator, in order to provide easy access to the data in its original form.

  • Rehydrated objects provide getOriginal(), getId(), getType(), getMeta(), getLinks(), getRelationships() and getAttributes().
  • Rehydrated arrays provide getOriginal(), getMeta() and getLinks()