A wrapper for johnny-five that lets you define/re-configure a board using JSON and then generates schemaform.io schema for controlling it.

npm install kryten@1.0.13



A wrapper for johnny-five that lets you define/re-configure a board using JSON and then generates schemaform.io schema for controlling it.

You can change what io it uses easily - see uncommented lines in example below.

Kryten = require './index.coffee'
kryten = new Kryten({})

#BLESerialPort = require('ble-serial').SerialPort;
#Firmata = require('firmata').Board;
#kryten = new Kryten({
# io: new Firmata(new BLESerialPort({}))

testOptions =
'port': 'auto-detect'
'interval': '500'
'components': [
    'name': 'Led_Pin_13'
    'action': 'digitalWrite'
    'pin': '13'
    'name': 'some_sensor'
    'action': 'analogRead'
    'pin': '3'
    'name': 'Servo1'
    'action': 'servo'
    'pin': '6'


# You can do it this way too bc its funny if you get it

kryten.on 'ready', ->
  console.log 'ready to go dog'

  kryten.on 'data', (data)->
    console.log data

  kryten.on 'schema', (schema)->
    console.log schema

  state = '1'

  setInterval ->
    kryten.onMessage({payload: {component: 'Led_Pin_13', state: state}})
    if state == '1'
      state = '0'
      state = '1'

Kryten Kryten says don't be a smeg head! Always give credit where credit is due! Open source is awesome, this library is awesome because of awesome people who worked on johnny-five, I just wrapped that awesomeness in bacon.