A simple queue system for Lavalink, backed by Redis. Built as extension of my generic Lavalink wrapper.
How to use
const { Client: Lavaqueue } = require('lavaqueue');
const voice = new Lavaqueue({
userID: '', // the user that will be sending audio
password: '', // your lavalink password
hosts: {
rest: '', // your lavalink rest endpoint (include port and protocol)
ws: '', // your lavalink ws endpoint (include port and protocol)
redis: '', // your redis instance
send(guildID, packet) {
// send the packet to the appropriate gateway connection
advanceBy(queue, { previous, remaining }) { // optional
// called at the end of a track when the queue is otherwise unaware of how many tracks to
// advance by; returns a number: 0 to repeat, negative to advance in reverse, positive to
// advance forward
async function connect() {
const res = await voice.load('some identifier');
const queue = voice.queues.get('some guild ID');
await queue.player.join('channel id'); // join the voice channel
await queue.add( => t.track)); // add songs to the queue
await queue.start(); // start the queue
async function skip() {
await voice.queues.get('some guild ID').next();
async function stop() {
await voice.queues.get('some guild ID').stop();
Queues are resilient to crashes, meaning it's safe to blindly restart a queue: it will attempt to recover the previous song at the point the crash occurred. You can restart all currently playing queues by calling voice.queues.start()
, although it is recommended to do so as infrequently as possible.
store: QueueStore
guildID: string
- the lavalink player -
start(): Promise<boolean>
- start the queue -
add(...tracks: string[]): Promise<number>
- add tracks to the queue -
unshift(...tracks: string[]): Promise<number>
- add tracks to the front of the queue -
remove(track: string): PromiseLike<number>
- remove a track from the queue -
next(count: number = 1): Promise<boolean>
- skip to the next song; pass negatives to advance in reverse, or 0 to repeat -
sort(predicate?: (a: string, b: string) => number): Promise<number>
- sort the upcoming tracks; resolves with the length of the queue -
move(from: number, to: number): Promise<string[]>
- move a track by index; resolves with the new list -
shuffle(): Promise<string[]>
- shuffle the list; resolves with the new list -
splice(start: number, deleteCount?: number, ...tracks: string[]): Promise<string[]>
- splice the list at the given position; works like Array#splice -
trim(start: number, end: number): PromiseLike<string>
- trim the queue to between the specified positions -
stop(): Promise<void>
- stop playback -
clear(): PromiseLike<number>
- clear the queue -
current(): Promise<NP | null>
- retrieve the current song: returns an object with propertiestrack
tracks(start: number = 0, end: number = -1): Promise<string[]>
- retrieves queued tracks
interface NP {
position: number;
track: string;
QueueStore extends Map<string, Queue>
client: Client
redis: Redis
- the ioredis instance this queue store is using -
start(filter?: (guildID: string) => boolean)
- start all currently playing queues, with an optional filter callback -
get(key: string): Queue
- gets the specified queue, or creates one if none is found