a message blockchain based on WebSocket

npm install litemessage@0.10.17



This project is both a node client supporting "full" & "thin" modes, similar to Bitcoin, and also a library for developing in both browser and Node.js.

As a library

When used as a library, it exports many necessary classes such as LiteNode, FullNode, ThinNode, and also many utilities including Blockchain and crypto primitive implementations used by litemessage.

Used in browser

The easiest way to use this library in browser is by including this CDN link:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/litemessage@latest/dist/litemessage.umd.min.js"></script>

Then a litemessage object will be attached to window, or self if you are using it in WebWorker. For instance:

// start a node in browser
let node = new litemessage.ThinNode('IndexedDB_scope', { initPeerUrls: ['ws://litemessage.com:1113'] });

Used with package manager

When using npm, you can install it by:

npm install --save litemessage

If developing for Node.js, require it by:

const { FullNode } = require('litemessage');

// or when you are using webpack
import { FullNode } from 'litemessage';

When building for browser environment, you must require it this way (you should use a bundler such as webpack):

import { FullNode } from 'litemessage/dist/litemessage.umd.min';

API documentation is on its way.

As a client

Install with npm

npm install -g litemessage

Run with docker

You can also install and run it with docker. To run it with docker:

docker container run --name name_of_you_choice -d --rm -p 1113:1113 bidiubiu/litemessage

To stop and delete the container (note the --rm from above):

docker container stop name_of_you_choice

If you run and stop this way, blockchain data will be wiped out along with the container. To avoid that, you can use volume:

docker container run ... -v volume_name_you_choose:/root/.litemsg ...

The default command of the image is litenode with all default options (no initial peers specified). To run spvnode (see next) or with custom options, you can override everything when you run the container:

docker container run --name name_of_you_choice -d --rm -p 1113:1113 bidiubiu/litemessage [litenode|spvnode] [your custom options here]

Check bidiubiu/litemessage tags for available tags.


By running litenode, you will join the peer-to-peer network. One of the official node's IP is (litemessage.com), its port is 1113.

$ litenode --help

  litenode.js [-H|--help]
  litenode.js [-V|--version]
  litenode.js [-p|--port <num>] [--dbpath <str>] [-D|--debug [true|false]] [peer1 [peer2 [...]]]

  -p, --port     Specify port daemon will listen on                         [number] [default: 1113]
  --dbpath       Specify path where data will be stored                                     [string]
  -D, --debug    Enable debugging RESTful API server                                       [boolean]
  -H, --help     Show help                                                                 [boolean]
  -V, --version  Show version number                                                       [boolean]

  litenode.js --port 1113 ws://
  litenode.js --dbpath /path/db/directory ws://

Also see https://github.com/bidiu/litemessage

litenode is the full node client, which will fetch the entire blockchain and do verification locally. There's another type of client spvnode, which only fetches the block headers. For usage:

spvnode --help
