An API used to hijack chrome webkitSpeechRecognition for non-web applications.
This API intends to create a binding to Chrome SpeechRecognition API for native node processes outside web environments. The use of Chrome's voice recognition as opposed to a paid cloud service offers an inexpensive, easy to install, fast alternative for small projects that don't justify the hassle of setting up a cloud service.
The original concept involved a headless chrome instance, however due to a number of issues - it does not seem reasonable to accomplish headless as it will require hacking around the chromium source code. In the meantime, the API simply opens a small chrome window.
In order for the API to operate one of the follow must be a valid environment variable pointing to the chrome executable:
- chrome
- chromium-browser
- Google\ Chrome
- google-chrome
const recog = require('chrome-based-voice-recognition-api');
let client = data.client;
lang : 'en-us',
interimResults : false,
maxAlternatives : 1,
infiniteListen : true
recog.addFilter("^lights on$",client);
#####Description Spins up the websocket server and chrome instance.
#####Params port (number) : The desired port of page server
Note : port + 1 will be used for websocket server
#####Returns An object with two properties -
- client : an instace of simple-websocket handling IPC
- serv : an instance of simple-websocket/server
#####Description Instantiates webkit speech recog in chrome.
#####Params options : An object with settings to be applied to speech object.
All are optional.
- lang (string): The language to be recognized
- interimResults (boolean) : Indication that you wish to recieve low confidence results.
- maxAlternatives (number) : The max number of alternatives sent from recog.
- infiniteListen (boolean) : If true, will continue listening after a hit.
client : The instance of simple-websocket from launchSpeechRecogntion
#####Returns An object with two properties
- client : an instace of simple-websocket handling the IPC
- serv : an instance of simple-websocket/server
#####Description Adds a grammar to an active recognition instance.
#####Params grammar & weight : see link
client : The instance of simple-websocket from launchSpeechRecogntion
#####Returns none
#####Description Adds a filter specifying what phrases will trigger a recognition event.
#####Params expression (string): JS regex in the form of string specifyng a filter
client : The instance of simple-websocket from launchSpeechRecogntion
#####Returns none
#####Description Request recog object to begin listening
client : The instance of simple-websocket from launchSpeechRecogntion
####Returns none
#####Description Request recog object to stop listening
client : The instance of simple-websocket from launchSpeechRecogntion
#####Returns none