
A tool to locate and strip metadata from files.

npm install metadata-detector-streams@6.0.16



A tool to locate and strip metadata from files.


This package is currently capable of handling ID3 tags within MP3s and metadata of FLAC files as described in the official FLAC format specification. It can also parse Vorbis Comments within OGG Containers. In addition to that it can also parse MPEG-4 files which are nicely explained on the homepage of AtomicParsley.


This package is intended to be used with Node.js. Please take a look at metadata-detector if you look for a package that works in the browser.

metadata-detector-streams is available as a package on npm. You can use the following command to install it:

npm install metadata-detector-streams

The package exports two functions to create streams which eather locate or strip metadata from a readable stream.


createLocateStream() can be used to create a stream to locate metadata in another stream. It will emit tuples which consist of two values. These values are marking the start and end in bytes of any detected metadata.

import { createLocateStream } from 'metadata-detector-streams';

const locateStream = createLocateStream();

// a stream of tuples


createStripStream() can be used to create a stream which removes all detected metadata from a readable stream. It will emit only those bytes which are not detected as metadata.

import { createStripStream } from 'metadata-detector-streams';

const stripStream = createStripStream();

// a stream of the same data but without metadata