
User roles for Meteor >= 1.3 + React

npm install meteor-user-roles@1.0.7



This package will add simple user access management to Meteor application.

Package is used by Meteor Kitchen - source code generator for Meteor.


meteor npm install meteor-user-roles 

Users collection

Collection Users extends Meteor.users collection. When user is created, roles: [] array is added to the user document. You can add / remove multiple role names to this array:

	...user's document...

	roles: ["admin", "user"]


Users.isInRole(userId, role)

Check if user is in given role. Example:

if(Users.isInRole(Meteor.userId(), "admin")) {
	// user is admin
} else {
	// user is not admin

Users.isInRoles(userId, roleList)

Check if user is in any of listed roles. Example:

if(Users.isInRoles(Meteor.userId(), ["admin", "staff"])) {
	// user is admin or staff
} else {
	// user is not admin or staff


Check if user is admin. Example:

if(Users.isAdmin(Meteor.userId()) {
	// user is admin
} else {
	// user is not admin

Users.isAdminOrInRole(userId, role)

Check if user is admin or in given role. Example:

if(Users.isAdminOrInRole(Meteor.userId(), "staff") {
	// user is admin or staff
} else {
	// user is not admin or staff

Permisions to Users collection

Only admins can update user roles via the client

Global functions


returns true if current user is admin

if(isUserAdmin()) {
	// user is admin
} else {
	// user is not admin


returns true if current user is in given role

if(isUserInRole("staff")) {
	// user is "staff"
} else {
	// user is not "staff"


returns true if current user is in any of roles given as array of strings. Example:

if(isUserInRoles(["admin", "staff"])) {
	// user is admin or staff
} else {
	// user is not admin or staff


Meteor.subscribe("admin_user", userId)

Data from user with given userId. Only user with "admin" role can subscribe. Complete user document is exposed to admin.


Data from all users. Only user with "admin" role can subscribe. Complete user document is exposed to admin.

Meteor.subscribe("admin_users_paged", extraOptions)

Data from all users, but depending on extraOptions, documents can be filtered, sorted and paged (used in applications generated with meteor-kitchen). Only user with "admin" role can subscribe. Complete user document is exposed to admin.

extraOptions is object:

	searchText: "textToFind", // search string
	searchFields: [ "fieldNameToSearch" ], // list of collection fields to search
	sortBy: "fieldNameToSortBy", // sort by field
	sortAscending: true, // sort direction
	pageNo: 0, // page number (zero-based)
	pageSize: 32, // number of documents per page. If this member is -1 then entire resultset is returned
	doSkip: true, // if this member is "false" then only first page will be returned (pageNo is ignored)
	noPaging: false // if this member value is "true" then pageNo and pageSize are ignored and entire resultset is returned

Meteor.subscribe("admin_users_paged_count", extraOptions)

This subscription is using tmeasday:publish-counts Meteor (atmosphere) package to return total number of documents in filtered dataset. Used to calculate total number of pages. extraOptions argument is the same as described in admin_users_paged publication, but only searchText and searchFields members are used (other members are not required to calculate total number of records and are ignored).


Data from current user. Any user can subscribe to own data.

  • username
  • profile
  • private
  • public
  • roles
  • emails