
mock out the server-side in your browser tests

mock, xhr, router, karma, testing
npm install mock-xhr-router@1.10.1



npm install mock-xhr-router

Build a mock API to use in your browser tests:

var mockXhrRouter = require('mock-xhr-router');

var router = mockXhrRouter();

var users = {};
var lastUserId = -1;

router.get('/users/:userId', function(request) {
  var user = users[request.params.userId];

  return {
    body: user
});'/users', function(request) {
  var user = request.body; = lastUserId++;

  users[] = user;

  return {
    statusCode: 201,
    headers: {
      location: '/users/' +
    body: user

Use it with jquery:

var $ = require('jquery');

$.get('/users/1').then(function (user) {


var mockXhrRouter = require('mock-xhr-router');
var router = mockXhrRouter();

router.get(path, handler);
router.delete(path, handler);
router.head(path, handler);, handler);
router.put(path, handler);
router.head(path, handler);
  • path - a path for the resource, usually a root relative path like /api/users, but could also be an absolute URL. Can contain parameters, in the form of :paramName, e.g. /users/:userId.


Stops all requests, any pending requests are cancelled. Useful in unit testing teardown.



function handler(request) {
  return response;
function handler(request) {
  return new Promise(function (fulfil) {
  • request - an object containing:
    • method - the method, one of GET, POST, etc.
    • url - the url of the resource
    • params - an object containing the parameters taken from the path
    • query - an object containing the parameters taken from the query string
      • NOTE versions 1.6 and earlier stored query parameters in the params object
    • headers - an object with the request headers. Headers are all normalised to lower case, so Content-Type becomes content-type.
    • body - body. if this was transmitted as JSON then this is parsed into a JS value.
  • response - an object containing the following fields.
    • statusCode - the status code, if omitted then 200.
    • headers - an object with the response headers. Optional.
    • body - the body, if a JS object, then it is transmitted as JSON. Optional.

The response can be omitted too, giving a 200 OK.

If there is an exception, or the handler returns a promise that is rejected, then it will return a 500 and a description of the error in JSON.

XHR mock adapters

By default mock-xhr-router will use faux-jax, but you can use other ones too. There are two shipped with the package:

To use them, set the .xhr to the one you want:

var mockXhrRouter = require('mock-xhr-router');
mockXhrRouter.xhr = mockXhrRouter.fakeXhr;

To write your own, write an object that contains two methods, start and stop.

var myXhr = {
  start() {
    // this will be called by mock-xhr-router when starting a new router

  stop() {
    // this will be called by mock-xhr-router when stopping the router

mock-xhr-router will set a onrequest function on that object, and should be called when a XHR request comes in, mock-xhr-router will return a promise with the response in it. The request and response objects are the same as passed to the handlers, minus the params, see above.

myXhr.onrequest(request) -> Promise


You can get debug output like this:

window._debug = require('debug');

Then in your browser console:
