Library for class based modern cli scripts.
Write modern node cli scripts using ES6 classes.
$ yarn add modern-cli
Basic Usage
Here are some basic examples for the usage. For more information see the docs.
Using functions
import { Cli } from 'modern-cli';
new Cli('script', '1.0.1')
name: 'command',
description: '',
execute: () => console.log('success')
Now you can use the script in one of the following ways:
$ babel-node ./examples/basic.js command
$ ./examples/basic.js --help
Using a dedicated command class
import { Cli } from 'modern-cli';
import MyCommand from './mycommand.js';
new Cli('script')
new MyCommand()
import { Command } from 'modern-cli';
export default class MyCommand extends Command {
* Initializes the cli command
constructor() {
super('mycommand', 'Some helpful description of "mycommand".');
async execute() {
// here comes your code which should be executed by this command
Again, you can use the script in one of the following ways:
$ ./examples/basic2.js mycommand
$ ./examples/basic2.js --help
MIT © Pascal Iske