Create custom roles guard and decorator

nest, nestjs, nest.js, role, roles, guard, rbac
npm install nestjs-roles@0.5.0-alpha.0c770c



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Type safe roles guard with the decorator for controller made easy. Just specify how to get role from ExecutionContext. nestjs-roles will do the rest.


npm i nestjs-roles


First, let's define roles:

// role.enum.ts

export enum Role {
  USER = 'USER',

Let's say you use nestjs-session and keep role in session property object of request. So then create guard with getRole callback:

// roles.guard.ts

import { ExecutionContext } from '@nestjs/common';
import { createRolesGuard } from 'nestjs-roles';
import { Role } from './role.enum';

function getRole(context: ExecutionContext) {
  const { session } = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();

  if (!session) return;

  // you can use single role or array of roles
  // if you provide array of roles, the guard will pass if one of roles is in required roles
  return (session as { role?: Role | Role[] }).role;

export const Roles = createRolesGuard<Role>(getRole);

After that we can set Roles guard globally (don't forget to pass Reflector instance):

// bootstrap.ts

import { NestFactory, Reflector } from '@nestjs/core';
import { Roles } from './roles.guard';

const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);

const reflector = app.get<Reflector>(Reflector);
app.useGlobalGuards(new Roles(reflector));

All settings are done. Now you can set up access in your controllers:

// secrets.controller.ts

import { Roles } from './roles.guard';

@Roles.Params(true) // setup access on Controller for users with any existing role
export class SecretsController {

  async readMy() {
    // ...

  @Roles.Params(Role.ADMIN) // override access on certain handler
  async update() {
    // ...

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