A modern redis client package

redis, pool, async, es6
npm install newredis@1.11.1


A Modern Redis Client


This is a pure Javascript based redis client(including a connection pool implementation). All code are written in the newest JS standard (async/await & Promise). All related exceptions and events are handled so you can write you code as easy as possible.


There are two class exported by this package: RedisConnection and RedisPool. I will suggest using RedisPool only, because it contains broken connection repairing, which is important in production environment. Besides, the API is pretty simple.

First, install it through npm:

npm install newredis

Then import the library and create a client like this:

const { RedisPool } = require("newredis")
const pool = new RedisPool({ port: 6379, host: "localhost", password: "asdf" })

If you are using the default host(localhost) and default port(6379), you can simply write:

const pool = new RedisPool({ password: "asdf" })

If the requirepass in redis configuration is not enabled, you can even write:

const pool = new RedisPool()

Now you can use it in Promise way:

.then(conn => {
  return conn.execute([ "get", "hello" ]).then(r => [ conn, r ])
.then(([ conn, r ]) => {
  console.log("R:", r)
.catch(e => {
  console.error("E:", e)

Or in async/await way:

async function testConn() {
  const conn = await pool.getConnection()

  const r = await conn.execute([ "get", "hello" ])
  console.log("R:", r)


.catch(e => console.error("E:", e))

If you really want to use RedisConnection instead of RedisPool, there are some examples in test directory.