Effortless deployment for Next.js apps 🚀

next, deploy, nextjs, serverless, aws, github, lambda, lambda@edge, cloudfront, gh-pages
npm install next-deploy@0.0.9


Next Deploy

Effortless deployment for Next.js apps 🚀

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Make sure your environment is configured to deploy.

Run your deployment with a one-liner:

  • npx next-deploy

Optionally you can also add and run next deploy from your Next.js app:

  • yarn add --dev next-deploy
  • yarn next-deploy


Next Deploy was created to deploy web applications built using the wonderful Next.js framework. It allows teams to easily integrate with our supported engines (AWS, GitHub Pages) and keep the entirety of their code in source control; from frontend, to backend, to the deployment logic.

Next Deploy started as a fork of serverless-next.js which itself is an orchestrator of various orphaned serverless-components. Next Deploy was created out of a need for a better, strongly typed codebase and an ability to provide more advanced functionality without the influence of corporate backers.



To deploy to AWS you will need to set your credentials in your environment:


If your account is restricted, ensure that you have enough permissions to deploy.


No specific configuration is necessary. By default, your app will be built and exported to the gh-pages branch.

Advanced Configuration

The deployment configuration is to be provided through next-deploy.config.js, which will be automatically created for you the first time you run next-deploy.

module.exports = {
  engine: 'aws',
  debug: true,

A more advanced configuration that sets more configurable options:

module.exports = {
  engine: 'aws',
  onShutdown: () => console.log('â›” Interrupted â›”'),
  onPostDeploy: () => console.log('🌟 Deployment Complete 🌟'),
  debug: true,

  bucketName: 'my-bucket-name',
  description: 'My new lambda description.',
  name: 'lambda-name',
  domain: ['foobar', 'example.com'],

Environment variables may be substituted from process.env to allow for more flexibility that one would need for CI/CD.


Next Deploy comes with a next-deploy [argument] CLI that you can run like npx next-deploy or yarn next-deploy.

There are currently 5 supported arguments:

Default (default) Runs Build followed by Deploy.

Init Creates the base next-deploy.config.js configuration for your project.

Build Build the application for deployment.

Deploy Deploy the built application.

Remove Remove, or at least attempt to remove, the deployed resources. Note that some resources (such as lambda@edge lambdas need to be cleaned up manually due to a timing constraint).

Configuration Options

The next-deploy config varies by the provider (engine) that you're deploying to. All configuration options are optional and come with sensible defaults.

Base Options

All engines support the basic options:

Name Type Default Description
engine "aws"|"github" "aws" The platform to deploy to.
debug boolean false Print helpful messages to
onPreDeploy () => Promise<void> undefined A callback that gets called before the deployment.
onPostDeploy () => Promise<void> undefined A callback that gets called after the deployment successfully finishes.
onShutdown () => Promise<void> undefined A callback that gets called after the deployment is shutdown by a INT/QUIT/TERM signal like from ctrl+c.
build BuildOptions|boolean true Whether a new build should be run run or not.
nextConfigDir string ./ The directory holding the next.config.js.
domain string|string[] null The domain to deploy to .

Github Options

Name Type Default Description
publishOptions PublishOptions {message: '...', dotfiles: true} The git-hub page options to publish with.

AWS Options