Ensure that firebase.json contains the appropriate hosting rewrites for NextJS dynamic routes.
This module has been tested only in the described scenario using NextJS 13.5, Yarn 4 (with PnP), Node 20.
Missing rewrite rules will fail your build and print out instructions on how to fix it.
- You use
next export
to export your app to static HTML - You deploy the static site to Firebase Hosting
- You deploy the site to one or more hosting sites
yarn add next-firebase-hosting-rewrites
On your next.config.js
// next.config.js
const { withFHR } = require('next-firebase-hosting-rewrites')([
module.exports = withFHR()
If you have any of the following files in your NextJS project, it will result in the output below.
info - using build directory: /Users/user/repo/hosting/.next
info - Copying "static build" directory
info - Launching 7 workers
> [FHR] Validating Firebase Hosting Rules (FHR)...
> [FHR] Found Firebase config at /Users/user/repo/firebase.json.
> [FHR] REWRITE RULE ERROR @ firebase.json/hosting/[site="site-name-1"]
> [FHR] Missing rewrite rule for site path '/auth/action/reset-password/[oobCode]'.
> [FHR] Include the following rewrite rule in firebase.json:
> [FHR]
> [FHR] {"source":"/auth/action/reset-password/*","destination":"/auth/action/reset-password/[oobCode].html"}
> [FHR]
Error: One or more rewrites rules missing or erroneous in '/Users/user/repo/firebase.json'.
[...stack trace here]
user@Machine-Name hosting %