
Angular 5 Emoji Picker for Material

angular, angular2, angular 2, angular5, angular 5, emoji, picker, material, angular emoji picker
npm install ng-emoji-picker-material@1.0.8


Angular 5 Emoji Picker for Material

npm version

Important / Credits

This package is based on I've started to adapt it for material


Install through npm

npm install ng-emoji-picker-material --save # Angular >= 5

In your module file for your angular project.

import {EmojiPickerModule} from 'ng-emoji-picker-material';

  imports: [





[popupAnchor] : ['top' (default) : 'bottom'] Where to anchor the emoji popup

[onEnter] : method to run when users presses enter key. If you want to use your parent scope inside the function make sure to bind the function ([onEnter]="onEnterFunction.bind(this)")

[group] : assign FormGroup

[autofocus] : autofocus on the textarea/input right after the component is created.

[(model)] : model value to two-way bind to input fields ngModel

[inputClass] : assigns a class name to the emoji input or textArea.

[searchClass] : assigns a class name to the search input

[closeAfterSelection] : boolean: defaults true. If true closes the emoji popup after selecting an emoji.

(setPopupAction) : outputs a binding function to this.openPopup(status: boolean = null). Call the function without parameters to toggle the picker popup.

(keyup) : outputs the keyup event on the textarea/input.

(focus) : outputs the event when focus on the textarea/input.

(blur) : outputs the event when blur outside the textarea/input.

(emojiClick) : outputs the emoji character clicked.


export class ExampleComponent {

    public openPopup: Function;
    public form: FormGroup;

    setPopupAction(fn: any) {
        this.openPopup = fn;

Submitting an Issue

If you're confident that you've found a bug in ng-emoji-picker-material, please open an issue, but check to make sure it hasn't already been submitted. When submitting a bug report, please include a Gist that includes a stack trace and any details that may be necessary to reproduce the bug, including your browser, version of ng-emoji-picker-material, and operating system. Ideally, a bug report should include a pull request with failing specs.

Submitting a Pull Request

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a topic branch.
  3. Add specs for your unimplemented feature or bug fix.
  4. Implement your feature or bug fix.
  5. Add, commit, and push your changes.
  6. Submit a pull request.