
Syntactic sugar for Angular's built-in HttpClient

npm install ng-http-sugar@0.1.1


HTTP Sugar

Syntactic sugar for Angular's built-in HttpClient

Requires Angular 6.0.0 or later.

License: GPL 2.0 or later.

What it does

This currently only supports POST requests. GET and other types that HttpClient supports are not yet supported.

Code Example

Without this, here's what you need to do to make an HTTP POST request with headers parameters, and callbacks for success and error responses using Angular's included HttpService:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import {
} from '@angular/common/http';

export class MyService {
	constructor(httpService: HttpService) {}

	mySuccessCallback(payload: any, responseData: any) {
		/* do something with success response */

	myErrorCallback(payload: any, error: any) {
		/* do something with error response */

	public methodThatMakesARequest(): void {
		// API route for your request
		let apiRoute = '';

		// Payload to send with your request
		let myPayload = { /* payload */ };

		// Prepare request headers
		myRequestHeaders: Array<{name: string, value: string}> = [
			/* add request headers here, e.g.: */
			{name: 'SomeHeader', value: 'SomeValue'},

		let headerArg = new HttpHeaders();

		headers.forEach((header) => {
			headerArg = headerArg.set(,header.value);

		// Include default 'content-type' header
		// (This is included by HttpService in the next example)
		if (! headerArg.has('Content-Type')) {
			headerArg = headerArg.set('Content-Type','application/json');

		// Prepare request params
		myRequestParams: Array<{id: string, value: string}> = [
			/* add request params here, e.g.: */
			{id: 'SomeParam', value: 'SomeValue'},

		let paramsArg = new HttpParams();

		params.forEach((header) => {
			paramsArg = 	paramsArg.set(,params.value);
				headers: headerArg,
				params: paramsArg,
			data => {
			error => {

With HttpService, you can make the same request much more compactly:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpService } from 'ng-http-sugar';

export class MyService {
	constructor(private _http: HttpService) {}

	mySuccessCallback(payload: any, responseData: any) {
		/* do something with success response */

	myErrorCallback(payload: any, error: any) {
		/* do something with error response */

	public methodThatMakesARequest(): void {
		// API route for your request
		let apiRoute = '';

		// Payload to send with your request
		let myPayload = { /* payload */ };

		// Optional array of request header name/value objects
		myRequestHeaders: Array<{name: string, value: string}> = [
			/* add request headers here, e.g.: */
			{name: 'SomeHeader', value: 'SomeValue'},

		// Optional array of request param id/value objects
		myRequestParams: Array<{id: string, value: string}> = [
			/* add request params here, e.g.: */
			{id: 'SomeParam', value: 'SomeValue'},

		// This handles preparing HttpHeaders and HttpParams for you, as well
		// as subscribing to the response observable to fire callbacks needed.
			myRequestHeaders, // optional
			myRequestParams, // optional
			this.mySuccessCallback, // optional
			this.myErrorCallback, // optional

What's Included

  1. HttpSugar is this module. Include it in your Angular application to use its functionality.
  2. HttpService is an injectable Angular service you can use in your own services, in place of HttpClient and its helper types.

How to Use

Including in your application

  1. Include this module in your Angular 6.x or later project with npm install --save 'ng-http-sugar'.
  2. Import the HttpSugarModule into your application's root module from ng-http-sugar
  3. Where needed in your application's code, import the following from the module to make calls on:
import { HttpService } from 'ng-http-sugar';


  • Add test coverage!
  • Support GET requests
  • Support PUT requests
  • Support PATCH requests
  • Support DELETE requests
  • Maybe support Angular 4.x and later, instead of 6.x and later?
    • Upgrading from 4.x to 6.x isn't terribly onerous in most cases, so I'll only work on this if I get requests for it.



Run ng build http-sugar --prod to build the library. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

Publish updates to NPM

# manually increment version in package.json
# avoid git tags since we're publishing from `dist/` later
npm --no-git-tag-version -f version [major|minor|patch]

# build
ng build http-sugar --prod

# switch to built package
cd dist/http-sugar/

# publish update npm
npm publish

Run tests

There currently are no tests!

  • Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.
  • Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.