
A simple way to lazy load Angular components in non-angular projects

angular, elements, angular elements, web components, lazy loading, non-angular
npm install ngx-el@12.0.2



Thanks to Juri Strumpflohner and ngx-lazy-el!

Thanks to Bruno Bradach for creating this version of Juri's implementation for use in non-angular applications.


My only contribution here is only in updating dependencies for use in newer angular projects.

Ngx-El (A.K.A NgxElement)

NgxElement enables to lazy load Angular components in non-angular applications. The library will register a custom element to which you can pass an attribute to specify what component you want to load.

It's a great way to use Angular in your CMS platform in an efficient manner.

Install Angular Elements

This library depends on Angular Elements. You can install it by running:

$ ng add @angular/elements

Installing the library

$ npm install ngx-el --save


1) Configure the Module containing the lazy loaded component

First of all, expose the Angular Component that should be loaded via a customElementComponent property.

  declarations: [TalkComponent],
  exports: [TalkComponent],
  entryComponents: [TalkComponent]
export class TalkModule {
  customElementComponent: Type<any> = TalkComponent;

2) Define the lazy component map in your AppModule

Just like with the Angular Router, define the map of component selector and lazy module.

const lazyConfig = [
    selector: 'talk',
    loadChildren: () => import('./talk/talk.module').then(m => m.TalkModule)

  imports: [
export class AppModule {
  ngDoBootstrap() {}

3) Use the lazy loaded component

You can load your Angular component by adding an <ngx-element> tag to the DOM in your non-angular application like follows:

  data-title="Angular Elements"
  data-description="How to write Angular and get Web Components"

4) Listen to events

You can listen to events emitted by Angular components.

Add an @Output event to your component:

@Output() tagClick: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter();

Then add an event listener to the tagClick event on the appropiate <ngx-element> element:

const talks = document.querySelector('ngx-element[selector="talk"]');
talks.addEventListener('tagClick', event => {
  const emittedValue = event.detail;