Resource (REST) Client for Angular 2 customized by Gearheart. Module which allows REST API Entities as objects.
###Definitions of Terms
Resource Angular service which manages requests for API Entity.
ResourceAction Some action for API Entity. Such as retrieve, list, create, update, delete etc.
ResourceModel Object for API Entity. Resource wraps each received entity item to model.
To use the module install the module using below command
npm install ngx-resource-gearheart --save
Quick Start
Create your First Resource and save it as users.resource.ts:
import { Resource, ResourceAction, ResourceParams, ResourceMethod} from 'ngx-resource-gearheart';
export interface IUser {
id: number;
first_name: string;
last_name: string;
url: '/api/users'
export class UsersResource extends Resource {
isArray: true
query: ResourceMethod<{}, IUser[]>
Add ResourceModule into your AppModule:
import { ResourceModule } from 'ngx-resource-gearheart';
import './users.resource';
imports: [ResourceModule.forRoot(),...]
export class AppModule() {}
Pay attention to row #2 in code above. It needed for compile our resource and provide its singleton to our app. Thats all. Now you can use resource in app components:
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { UsersResource, IUser } from './users.resource';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit{
users: IUser[];
constructor(private ur: UsersResource) {}
ngOnInit() {
// simple way:
this.users = this.ur.query();
// other way:
.subscribe(users => {
console.log('$observable resolved!!!');
// ... some code
this.users = users;
Each ResourceAction - it is function which returns API response (array or object) with additional properties and method:
- request observable.
- flag which have false
until request observable is not resolved.
- method which interrupts request immediately.
So you can use simple way from code above for call action if you just want define value for variable. Or you can use $observable
if you want to do something when request observable will be resolved.
Resource Definition
Each resource should be decorated by @ResourceParams
. It is needed to define resource behavior and also for provide resource singleton to your app.
The ResourceParams
decorator can be called with one argument. Argument should be ResourceParamsBase
object described bellow.
Resource Actions Definition
Your Resource can contains any actions which you wants. Each action in resource should be decorated by @ResourceAction
The ResourceAction decorator can be called with one argument. Argument should be ResourceActionBase
object described bellow.
Resource Action Params overrides resource params.
Resource Model Definition
Resource can wraps each returned API entity to object. You should define model class to use this feature.
import { ResourceModel } from 'ngx-resource-gearheart';
import { UsersResource } from './users.resource';
export interface IUser {
id: number;
name: string;
avatar: string;
export interface User extends IUser, ResourceModel<UsersResource> {
export class User extends ResourceModel<UsersResource> {
Next step we should update our resource:
import { User } from './user.model';
url: '/api/users'
export class UsersResource extends Resource {
initResultObject() {
return new User();
And we can use our model in components:
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { User } from './user.model';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit{
constructor() {}
ngOnInit() {
let user = new User(); = 'John Dow';
Use Resource Storage
Resource Storage it is "smart cache" for resources. If we want use storage for resource we should define it explicit:
url: '/api/users'
export class UsersResource extends Resource {
initStorage() {
return new ResourceStorage(this)
isArray: true,
storageAction: StorageAction.LOAD
query: ResourceMethod<{}, User[]>;
method: RequestMethod.POST,
storageAction: StorageAction.ADD
save: ResourceMethod<User, User>;
method: RequestMethod.PUT,
storageAction: StorageAction.UPDATE
update: ResourceMethod<User, User>;
And now you can use it in every component. If you use SelectStorage in few components you don't call API request in each of components. If you change some object then it will be changed in storage.
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { SelectedStorage, SelectStorage } from 'ngx-resource-gearheart';
import { UsersResource } from '../resources/users.resource';
import { Offer } from '../resources/models/user.model';
selector: 'app-users',
templateUrl: './users.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./users.component.scss']
export class UsersComponent implements OnInit {
@SelectStorage(UsersResource) users: SelectedStorage<Offer>;
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {
Resources usage recommendations
I recommend to create submodule in your app for all your resources.
Docs (WIP)
@ResourceParams class decorator
@ResourceParams(options: ResourceParamsBase)
The decorator is used to define default resource parameters (can be overwritten with method parameters).
@ResourceParams accepts object ResourceParamsBase
type (description below).
@ResourceAction method decorator
@ResourceAction(options: ResourceActionBase)
Decorates methods. @ResourceAction accepts object ResourceActionBase
type (description below).
All default decorated options will be overwritten for the method.
ResourceMethod<I, O>
Resource method type with specified input data type
as I
and output data type
as O
In fact it's a function type (input?: I, callback?: (res: O) => void): ResourceResult
ResourceMethodStrict<IB, IP, O>
Resource method type with specified input body data type
as IB
, input path data type
as IP
and output data type
as O
In fact it's a function type (body?: IB, params?: IP, callback?: (res: O) => any): ResourceResult
developed in purpose to respove issue #76
Every request method is returning given data type which is extended by ResourceResult
export type ResourceResult<R extends {}> = R & {
$resolved?: boolean; // true if request has been executed
$observable?: Observable<R>; // Observable for the request
$abortRequest?: () => void; // method to abort pending request
export interface ResourceParamsCommon {
removeTrailingSlash?: boolean;
addTimestamp?: boolean | string;
withCredentials?: boolean;
[propName: string]: any;
Default resource common address
Default: empty
Default resource path to api.
Can contain path params, which are between { }
If path param is with !
prefix, then the param is mandatory
If path param is with :
prefix, then the param will be removed from post data
Default: empty
Ex: /users/{id}
Ex2: /users/{!id}
Ex3: /users/{:id}
Ex4: /users/{!:id}
Default resource HTTP headers.
It should be object where key is header name and value is header value
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
Default resource path/get params
Default: null
Ex: {"mode": "user", "id": "@_id", "_id": 0}
Default resource body params
The params will be added to data object if they does not exists
Default: null
Ex: {"mode": "user", "isActive": true}
Remove trailing slashed from url
Default: true
Will add timestamp to the url
Can be boolean or string representation of parameter name
Default: false
Will add withCredentials option to request options
Default: false
export interface ResourceParamsBase extends ResourceParamsCommon {
add2Provides?: boolean;
providersSubSet?: string;
To create service provider and it to ResourceModule.forRoot()
Default: true
To create service provider and it to ResourceModule.forChild()
Default: null (so it goes to forRoot())
export interface ResourceActionBase extends ResourceParamsCommon {
method?:RequestMethod; // from angular `@angular/http`
isArray?: boolean;
isLazy?: boolean;
requestInterceptor?: ResourceRequestInterceptor;
responseInterceptor?: ResourceResponseInterceptor;
initResultObject?: ResourceResponseInitResult;
map?: ResourceResponseMap;
filter?: ResourceResponseFilter;
rootNode?: string;
All parameters will overwrite default one from ResourceParamsBase
Http request method of the action.
Ex: method: RequestMethod.Get
Default: method: RequestMethod.Get
Used if received data is an array
Is isLazy
set to true, then the request will not be executed immediately. To execute the request you should subsribe to abservable and hande responces by yourself.
(req: Request): Request;
Custom request modifier for the method
Default request interceptor is a function which recieves Request
object from anglar2/http
Default: doing nothing
(observable:Observable<any>, request?:Request, methodOptions?: ResourceActionBase):Observable<any>;
Custom response interceptor for the method
Default response interceptor is a function which receives Observable
object from rxjs/Observable
and returns also Observable
function (observable:Observable<any>):Observable<any> {
return => res._body ? res.json() : null);
(): any;
Custom object creator. Added on Ver 1.14.0
(item: any):any;
Custom response data mapper.
Will be called for each array element if response is an array.
Will called for the object if response is an object
Called before mapping data
(item: any):boolean;
Custom response filter.
Will be called for each array element if response is an array.
Will called for the object if response is an object
Called before map method
The data sent to the API will be wrapped into the root node provided
Note: For all non GET request all data object will be send in the request body as json. In case of GET requset the data object will be send as query parameters. Parameters, which are has been used for path params, will be removed from query list (only for GET request).
Default methods
getUrl(methodOptions?: ResourceActionBase): string | Promise<string>
To get url. Used in methods.
setUrl(url: string)
To set resource url
getPath(methodOptions?: ResourceActionBase): string | Promise<string>
To get path. Used in methods
setPath(path: string)
To set resource path
getHeaders(methodOptions?: ResourceActionBase): any | Promise<any>
To get headers. Used in methods.
setHeaders(headers: any)
To set resource headers
getParams(methodOptions?: ResourceActionBase): any | Promise<any>
To get params. Used in methods.
setParams(params: any)
To set resource params
getData(methodOptions?: ResourceActionBase): any | Promise<any>
To get data. Used in methods.
setData(data: any)
To set resource data
requestInterceptor(req: Request, methodOptions?: ResourceActionBase): Request
Default request interceptor
responseInterceptor(observable: Observable<any>, req: Request, methodOptions?: ResourceActionBase): Observable<any>
Default response interceptor
removeTrailingSlash(): boolean
Called by method if needs to trim trailing slashes from final url
initResultObject(): any
Called on return object initialization
map(item: any): any<any>
Default response mapper
filter(item: any): boolean
Default filter method. By default always true
The class is extends with Resource and has predefined 5 methods:
- get(data, callback) to execute GET request;
- query(data, callback) to execute GET and recieve an array
- save(data, callback) to execute POST request;
- update(data, callback) to execute PUT request;
- remove(data, callback) or delete(data, callback) to execute DELETE request.
Static class to define global common params for all Resources globally
ResourceGlobalConfig.url: string | Promise<string> = null
Defines url
ResourceGlobalConfig.path: string | Promise<string> = null
Defines path
ResourceGlobalConfig.headers: any | Promise<any> = null
Defines headers
ResourceGlobalConfig.params: any | Promise<any> = null
Defines params any | Promise<any> = null
Defines data
getParamsMappingType: any = TGetParamsMappingType.Plain
Defines mapping method of arrays/objects to get params
Default properties
$resource: Resource
Contains reference to resource instance
$primaryKey: string
Defines which field is primary key of resource model.
Default methods
$setData(data: any): ResourceModel
To fill model data from object.
isNew(): boolean
Returns true if model primary key have value
$save(): ResourceModel
To call save or update according to isNew() value
$create(): ResourceModel
To call resource's save action.
$update(): ResourceModel
To call resource's update action.
$remove(): ResourceModel
To call resource's remove action.
toJSON(): any
Returns json data of model without methods and fields starts with '$'
Priority of getting params by methods
Lower number - higher priority
- Defined by @ResourceAction decorator
- Sett by setUrl method of the resource
- Defined by @ResourceParams decorator
- Defined in ResourceGlobalConfig
- Default value
Example of service injection
export class UnitRes extends Resource {
http: Http,
injector: Injector,
private _myService: MyService
) {
super(http, injector);
Example of auth resource service with custom headers
import {Request, Response} from '@angular/http';
import {Observable, Subscriber} from 'rxjs';
import {AuthServiceHelper} from '../helpers/index';
import {Resource} from 'ngx-resource';
export class AuthGuardResource extends Resource {
private deferredQ: Subscriber<any>[] = [];
private configListenerSet: boolean = false;
getHeaders(methodOptions: any): any {
let headers = super.getHeaders();
// Extending our headers with Authorization
if (!methodOptions.noAuth) {
headers = AuthServiceHelper.extendHeaders(headers);
return headers;
responseInterceptor(observable: Observable<any>, request: Request, methodOptions: ResourceActionBase): Observable<any> {
return Observable.create((subscriber: Subscriber<any>) => {
(res: Response) => {
if (res.headers) {
let newToken: string = res.headers.get('X-AUTH-TOKEN');
if (newToken) {
AuthServiceHelper.token = newToken;
}<any>res)._body ? res.json() : null);
(error: Response) => {
if (error.status === 401) {
AuthServiceHelper.token = null;
//console.warn('BaseResource request error', error, request);
() => subscriber.complete()
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { RequestMethod } from '@angular/http';
import { AppProject } from '../../project/app.project';
import { ResourceAction, ResourceMethod, ResourceParams } from 'ngx-resource';
import { AuthGuardResource } from './authGuard.resource';
url: AppProject.BASE_URL + '/auth/v1'
export class AuthResource extends AuthGuardResource {
method: RequestMethod.Post,
path: '/login',
// Custom param
noAuth: true
login: ResourceMethod<{login: string, password: string}, any>;
method: RequestMethod.Get,
path: '/logout'
logout: ResourceMethod<void, any>;
Example of resource model usage
UserResource with model
export interface ITestModel {
id?: string;
name?: string;
export interface ITestQueryInput {
name?: string;
export class TestModel extends ResourceModel<TestResource> implements ITestModel {
id: string;
name: string;
$setData(data: any) {
// You can overwrite $setData method
if (data) { =; =;
// do something else
protected isNew(): boolean {
return !;
url: ''
export class TestResource extends ResourceCRUD<ITestQueryInput, TestModel, TestModel> {
initResultObject(): TestModel {
return new TestModel();
Using resource with model in your app
import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'test-component',
templateUrl: '',
styleUrls: [''],
export class TestComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private testRes: TestResource) {}
ngOnInit() {
let modelTest = this.testRes.createModel();
console.log('New modelTest', modelTest);
modelTest.$save().$observable.subscribe(() => {
console.log('Saved and updated modelTest', modelTest);
let modelTest2 = this.testRes.query();
console.log('Array of models', modelTest2);
modelTest2.$observable.subscribe(() => {
// Data received
console.log('Array filled with test models', modelTest2);
let modelTest3 = modelTest2[1]; = 'Roma';
modelTest3.$save().$observable.subscribe(() => {
console.log('Saved and updated', modelTest3);
Example of mapping object
export class CTest {
prop1: string = '';
prop2: string = '';
get prop(): string {
return this.prop1 + ' ' + this.prop2;
constructor(data: any = null) {
$setData(data: any) {
if (data) {
this.prop1 = data.prop1;
this.prop2 = data.prop2;
// do something else
url: ''
export class TestRes extends Resource {
isArray: true
query: ResourceMethod<any, CTest[]>;
path: '/{!id}'
get: ResourceMethod<{id: any}, CTest>;
initResultObject(): any {
return new CTest();
selector: 'test-component',
templateUrl: '',
styleUrls: [''],
export class TestComponent implements OnInit {
list: CTest[] = [];
test: CTest;
prop: string;
constructor(private testRes:TestRes) {}
ngOnInit():any {
this.list = this.testRes.query();
this.test = this.testRes.get({id:1});
this.prepareData(); // will not set prop, test is not yet resolved
console.log(this.test.prop); // a space ' ' will be returned because data is not yet received
// so to get the prop we will need to wait data to be received
// Now the data is received and assigned on the object
() => this.prepareData()
private preprareData() {
if (this.test && this.test.$resolved) {
this.prop = this.test.prop;