
A native node module to manage BSD system notifications on macOS

notify, system, macos, node, napi, native
npm install node-mac-notify@1.0.0


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$ npm i node-mac-notify

This native Node.js module allows you to send and monitor Darwin-style notifications on macOS.

The Darwin-style notification API allow processes to exchange stateless notification events. Processes post notifications to a single system-wide notification server, which then distributes notifications to client processes that have registered to receive those notifications, including processes run by other users.

Notifications are associated with names in a namespace shared by all clients of the system. Clients may post notifications for names, and may monitor names for posted notifications. Clients may request notification delivery by a number of different methods.

Clients desiring to monitor names in the notification system must register with the system, providing a name and other information required for the desired notification delivery method. Clients that use signal-based notification should be aware that signals are not delivered to a process while it is running in a signal handler. This may affect the delivery of signals in close succession.

Notifications may be coalesced in some cases. Multiple events posted for a name in rapid succession may result in a single notification sent to clients registered for notification for that name.

See Apple Documentation or the Unix Man Page.



  • name String - The event name to post a notification for.

Returns Boolean - Whether or not the notification was successfully posted.


const { postNotification } = require('node-mac-notify')

const name = 'my-event-name'

const posted = postNotification(name)
console.log(`Notification for ${name} was ${posted ? 'successfully' : 'unsuccessfully'} posted.`)

This method wraps notify_post.


  • name String - The event name to fetch the current state for.

Returns BigInt - The current state of name.


const { getState, listener } = require('node-mac-notify')

const name = 'my-event-name'

const added = listener.add(name)
console.log(`Event handler for ${name} was ${added ? 'successfully' : 'unsuccessfully'} added.`)

const state = getState(name)
console.log(`Current state of ${name} is ${state}`)

This method wraps notify_get_state.

notify.setState(name, state)

  • name String - The event name to set the state for.
  • state BigInt - Integer value of the new state.

Returns Boolean - Whether or not the new state was successfully set for name.


const { getState, listener } = require('node-mac-notify')

const name = 'my-event-name'

const added = listener.add(name)
console.log(`Event handler for ${name} was ${added ? 'successfully' : 'unsuccessfully'} added.`)

const newState = 5
const success = setState(name, newState)
console.log(`State for ${name} was ${success ? 'successfully' : 'unsuccessfully'} set to ${newState}.`)

This method wraps notify_set_state.


This module exposes an EventEmitter, which can be used to listen and manipulate notifications.


  • name String - The event name to add an event handler for.

Registers a event handler for the event with name name.

const { listener } = require('node-mac-notify')

const name = 'my-event-name'

const added = listener.add(name)
console.log(`Event handler for ${name} was ${added ? 'successfully' : 'unsuccessfully'} added.`)

listener.on(name, () => {
  console.log(`An notification was posted for ${name}!`)

This method wraps notify_register_dispatch.


  • name String - The event name to remove an existing event handler for.

Removes a event handler for the event with name name.

const { listener } = require('node-mac-notify')

const name = 'my-event-name'


const removed = listener.remove(name)
console.log(`Event handler for ${name} was ${removed ? 'successfully' : 'unsuccessfully'} removed.`)

This method wraps notify_cancel.


  • name String - The event name to suspend an existing event handler for.

Suspends a event handler for the event with name name.

const { listener } = require('node-mac-notify')

const name = 'my-event-name'


const suspended = listener.suspend(name)
console.log(`Event handler for ${name} was ${suspended ? 'successfully' : 'unsuccessfully'} suspended.`)

This method wraps notify_suspend.


  • name String - The event name to resume an suspended event handler for.

Resumes a suspended event handler for the event with name name.

const { listener } = require('node-mac-notify')

const name = 'my-event-name'


const suspended = listener.suspend(name)
if (suspended) {
  const resumed = listener.resume(name)
  console.log(`Suspended event handler for ${name} was ${resumed ? 'successfully' : 'unsuccessfully'} resumed.`)

This method wraps notify_resume.