NodeJS SDK for the Radial APIs

radial, api, rest, wrapper, paypal, xml
npm install node-radial@0.6.1


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Radial API for NodeJS

A NodeJS wrapper for the Radial Payments & Fraud REST APIs.

Install via npm:

npm install --save node-radial

API Setup

Require the module and call configure():

var radial = require('node-radial').configure({
  storeCode: '',
  apiKey: '',
  uriBaseDomain: ''

Alternately, you can pass the module an object with multiple store configurations, if you have multiple stores operating on Radial.

var radial = require('node-radial').configure({
  stores: [{
    storeCode: 'STORE1',
    customStoreCode: 'MyStore1', // OPTIONAL
    apiKey: '',
    uriBaseDomain: ''
    storeCode: 'STORE2',
    customStoreCode: 'MyStore2', // OPTIONAL
    apiKey: '',
    uriBaseDomain: ''

If you set up the module with multiple stores, each request to the module requires a storeCode to be passed in the request options. You can either pass the Radial defined store code, or the store code that you defined in the customStoreCode parameter during setup.

Optional Setup Parameters

  • apiVersion - API version as a numeric string defaults to '1.0'
  • environment - Set to either development or production defaults to the value of NODE_ENV or development if not set
  • webhooks - If you plan to use a webhook route, please pass an object with authentication data for each route. See the section on Webhooks for details on setting this up.

Tokenization and 3D Secure

Get a Nonce

radial.nonce(function(err, response) {
  response = {
    nonce: '1a83cd28-3847-4a41-8c52-48cc5ab1af61',
    expiresInSeconds: 1000

PayPal Processing

PayPal SetExpress

The first API in PayPal checkout flow. See the following reference for details.

var lineItems = [{
  name: 'Cool Product',
  quantity: 2,
  amount: 9.99

  orderId: '12345',
  returnUrl: '',
  cancelUrl: '',
  localeCode: 'en_US',
  currencyCode: 'USD',
  addressOverride: 0, // optional
  noShippingAddressDisplay: 1, // optional
  shipToName: 'John Doe', // optional
  shippingAddress: { // optional
      line1: '',
      line2: '',
      line3: '',
      line4: '',
      city: '',
      mainDivision: '',
      countryCode: '',
      postalCode: ''
  shippingTotal: 2.00,
  taxTotal: 1.23,
  lineItems: lineItems,
  installment: false, // optional
  recurring: false, // optional
  solutionType: 'Sole' // optional
}, function(err, response) {
  response = {
    responseCode: 'Success',
    orderId: '12345',
    token: 'EC-5YE59312K56892714',
    redirectUrl: ''

PayPal GetExpress

The second API in PayPal checkout flow. See the following reference for details.

  orderId: '12345',
  token: 'EC-5YE59312K56892714',
  currencyCode: 'USD'
}, function(err, response) {
  response = {
    responseCode: 'Success',
    orderId: '12345',
    payerId: '',
    payerEmail: '',
    payerStatus: '',
    payerName: {
      honorific: '',
      firstName: '',
      middleName: '',
      lastName: ''
    payerCountry: '',
    payerPhone: '',
    billingAddress: {
      line1: '',
      line2: '',
      line3: '',
      line4: '',
      city: '',
      mainDivision: '',
      countryCode: '',
      postalCode: '',
      status: 'Confirmed'
    shippingAddress: {
      line1: '',
      line2: '',
      line3: '',
      line4: '',
      city: '',
      mainDivision: '',
      countryCode: '',
      postalCode: '',
      status: 'Unconfirmed'
    shipToName: ''

PayPal DoExpress

The third API in PayPal checkout flow. See the following reference for details.

var lineItems = [{
  name: 'Cool Product',
  quantity: 2,
  amount: 9.99

  orderId: '12345',
  token: '',
  currencyCode: 'USD',
  pickUpStoreId: 'StoreName StoreNumber', // optional
  shipToName: 'John Doe', // optional
  shippingAddress: { // optional
      line1: '',
      line2: '',
      line3: '',
      line4: '',
      city: '',
      mainDivision: '',
      countryCode: '',
      postalCode: ''
  shippingTotal: 2.00,
  taxTotal: 1.23,
  lineItems: lineItems,
  recurring: false, // optional
  requestId: '1234567'
}, function(err, response) {
  response = {
    responseCode: 'Success',
    orderId: '12345',
    transactionId: 'O-3A919253XG323924A',
    paymentInfo: {
      paymentStatus: 'Pending',
      pendingReason: 'Order',
      reasonCode: '12345'

PayPal DoAuthorization

The final API in PayPal checkout flow. See the following reference for details.

  orderId: '12345',
  amount: 23.21,
  currencyCode: 'USD',
  requestId: '1234567'
}, function(err, response) {
  response = {
    responseCode: 'Success',
    orderId: '12345',
    transactionId: 'O-3A919253XG323924A',
    authorizationInfo: {
      paymentStatus: 'Pending',
      pendingReason: 'authorization',
      reasonCode: '1234'

Payment Settlement

When you are ready to capture funds from the customer's form of payment.

PLEASE NOTE. None of the invoiceData in the schema for this API is completed. It seems uncommon to include this data in the request, so I didn't waste my time with it. If you need it, start a pull request!

This module will determine whether to send a PaymentContext or a PaymentContextBase based on the presents of accountUniqueId.

  paymentContext: { // REQUIRED
    orderId: '', // REQUIRED
    accountUniqueId: '',
    accountUniqueIdIstoken: false
  invoiceId: '', // REQUIRED
  currencyCode: 'USD', // REQUIRED
  amount: 12.34, // REQUIRED
  taxAmount: 1.18, // REQUIRED
  settlementType: 'Debit', // REQUIRED ("Debit" or "Credit")
  authorizationResponseCode: '',
  authorizationDate: new Date(),
  expirationDate: new Date(),
  clientContext: '',
  finalDebit: false,
  omsOrderId: '',
  billingAddress: {
    line1: '', // REQUIRED
    line2: '',
    line3: '',
    line4: '',
    city: '', // REQUIRED
    mainDivision: '',
    countryCode: '', // REQUIRED
    postalCode: ''
  personName: {
    honorific: '',
    firstName: '',
    middleName: '',
    lastName: '' // REQUIRED
}, function(err, response) {
  response = {
    received: true

Fraud Management Processing

Risk Assessment

This API has a lot of intricacies, with lengthy and complex requirements and optional parameters. Please refer to the Radial documentation to know what is required, and the type of data needed for the API. Because of the API's complexity and wide possibility space, node-radial does very little to error check for you. It simply maps your block of JSON data to Radial's required XML data. Below is an example with all possible parameters entered.

  order: { // REQUIRED
    orderId: '123456', // REQUIRED
    promoCode: '$1 Off Returning Customer',
    originalOrderId: '123-456',
    webOrderId: '123-456',
    referenceOrderId: '1234567890',
    orderCategory: 'MODIFIED',
    orderModifiedBy: 'John Doe',
    customerList: [{ // REQUIRED
      personName: { // REQUIRED
        honorific: 'Mr',
        firstName: 'John', // REQUIRED
        middleName: 'Smith',
        lastName: 'Doe', // REQUIRED
        suffix: 'Sr'
      email: '',
      telephone: {
        number: '4805551212', // REQUIRED
        location: 'Home'
      address: {
        id: 'BID-201703261515496410804517', // REQUIRED
        line1: '123 Test St', // REQUIRED
        line2: 'BLANK',
        line3: 'BLANK',
        lin4: 'BLANK',
        buildingName: 'BLANK',
        poBox: 'BLANK',
        city: 'Austin', // REQUIRED
        mainDivision: 'TX',
        countryName: 'United States',
        countryCode: 'USA', // REQUIRED
        postalCode: '78759'
      memberLoggedIn: true, // REQUIRED
      loyalty: {
        totalPoints: 12,
        status: 'Active',
        signupDate: new Date(),
        remark: 'BLANK',
        programId: '12345',
        membershipId: '98765', // REQUIRED
        userId: '56789',
        loyalLevel: 'Gold',
        expireDate: new Date(),
        effectiveDate: new Date(),
        currentPoints: 10,
        vendorCode: 'MyRewards',
        clubStatus: 'Active',
        memberLoggedIn: true, // REQUIRED
        lastLogin: new Date(),
        userTenure: 94,
        userPassword: '012394asjdfkasjdf902394u12394',
        failedLoginAttempts: 2
      currencyCode: 'USD' // REQUIRED
    shippingList: [{
      addressId: '1234', // REQUIRED
      shipmentId: '1234', // REQUIRED
      currencyCode: 'USD', // REQUIRED
      amountBeforeTax: 12.34,
      amountAfterTax: 13.36, // REQUIRED
      shippingMethod: 'UPS Ground' // REQUIRED
    lineItems: [{
      id: '1234', // REQUIRED
      shipmentId: '1234', // REQUIRED
      totalAmount: 12.34, // REQUIRED
      unitCostAmount: 12.34,
      currencyCode: 'USD', // REQUIRED
      quantity: 1, // REQUIRED
      productName: 'Graphic T-Shirt',
      productDescription: 'BLANK',
      weight: 2,
      weightUnit: 'pound',
      productCategory: 'Shirts',
      promoCode: 'BLANK',
      itemId: '123495912304kasd0f23'
    externalRiskResults: [{
      score: 0.2,
      code: 'Low Risk',
      source: 'MyFraudBudy'
    shoppingSession: {
      timeOnSite: 8.12,
      returnCustomer: true,
      itemsRemoved: true
    paymentCard: {
      cardHolderName: 'John Doe', // REQUIRED
      paymentAccountUniqueIdIsToken: false, // REQUIRED
      paymentAccountUniqueId: 'JUDDXBXXXXXXA', // REQUIRED
      expireDate: new Date(),
      orderAppiId: 'BLANK',
      paymentSessionId: '0006302964495',
      gatewayKey: 'BLANK',
      cardType: 'Visa'
    payment: {
      authorization: {
        decline: false, // REQUIRED
        code: 'BLANK'
      email: '',
      personName: {
        honorific: 'Mr',
        firstName: 'John', // REQUIRED
        middleName: 'Smith',
        lastName: 'Doe', // REQUIRED
        suffix: 'Sr'
      address: {
        id: 'BID-201703261515496410804517', // REQUIRED
        line1: '123 Test St', // REQUIRED
        line2: 'BLANK',
        line3: 'BLANK',
        lin4: 'BLANK',
        buildingName: 'BLANK',
        poBox: 'BLANK',
        city: 'Austin', // REQUIRED
        mainDivision: 'TX',
        countryName: 'United States',
        countryCode: 'USA', // REQUIRED
        postalCode: '78759'
      telephone: {
        number: '4805551212', // REQUIRED
        location: 'Home'
      transactionResponses: [{
        type: 'PayPalPayer', // REQUIRED
        response: 'verified' // REQUIRED
      paymentTransactionDate: new Date(), // REQUIRED
      paymentTransactionTypeCode: 'PY', // REQUIRED
      currencyCode: 'USD', // REQUIRED
      amount: 12.34, // REQUIRED
      accountIdIsToken: true,
      accountId: 'JUDDXBXXXXXXA',
      tenderClass: 'BLANK' // REQUIRED
    costTotals: { // REQUIRED
      currencyCode: 'USD', // REQUIRED
      amountBeforeTax: 12.34,
      amountAfterTax: 12.34 // REQUIRED
    failedCcNumber: 0
  serverInfo: { // REQUIRED
    time: new Date(), // REQUIRED
    tzOffset: '-6', // REQUIRED
    tzOffsetRaw: '-6',
    dstActive: true // REQUIRED
  deviceInfo: {
    jsCollectorData: '0349123jf9dslkfj934j123r8jfdy8f98dhaf9asdf',
    sessionId: '0349123asdfas0-3-4192df',
    deviceIp: '',
    deviceHostname: '',
    httpHeaders: [{
      name: 'accept-language', // REQUIRED
      value: 'en-us'
    userCookie: '%5BCookies+id%3D639672634%5D'
  customPropertyGroups: [{
    groupName: 'BLANK', // REQUIRED
    properties: [{ // REQUIRED
      name: 'A STRING', // REQUIRED
      value: 'string value' // String, Number, or Date - REQUIRED
    }, { // REQUIRED
      name: 'A NUMBER', // REQUIRED
      value: 42 // String, Number, or Date - REQUIRED
    }, { // REQUIRED
      name: 'A DATE', // REQUIRED
      value: new Date() // String, Number, or Date - REQUIRED
}, function (err, response) {
  response = {
    responseCode: 'Success',
    orderId: '123-456',
    mockOrderEvent: false,
    storeId: 'YOURSTORE',
    reasonCode: '',
    reasonCodeDescription: ''

Order Confirmation

After you receive a fraud decision, send Radial an order confirmation to let them know how the order was handled (e.g. shipped, cancelled, etc).

  orderId: '123-456',
  statusDate: new Date(),
  confirmationType: 'SHIPMENT',
  orderStatus: 'SHIPPED',
  orderStatusReason: '',
  lineDetails: [{
    SKU: '',
    quantity: 2,
    itemStatus: 'SHIPPED',
    trackingNumber: '',
    shippingVendorCode: 'UPS',
    deliveryMethod: 'STANDARD',
    shipScheduledDate: new Date(),
    shipActualDate: new Date()
  customAttributes: {
    attributeOneName: attributeOneValue,
    attributeTwoName: attributeTwoValue
}, function (err, response) {
  response = {
    orderId: '123-456',
    storeCode: '',
    createTimestamp: new Date(),
    orderConfirmationAcknowledgement: true

Risk Order Status

Retrieve the fraud status of one or multiple orders.

Get Fraud Status For a Single Order

  orderId: '123-456'
}, function (err, response) {
  response = {
    orderId: '123-456',
    riskOrderStatus: 'ACCEPT'

Get Fraud Status For Multiple Orders

  orderIdList: [
}, function (err, response) {
  response = [{
    orderId: '123-456',
    riskOrderStatus: 'ACCEPT'
  }, {
    orderId: '789-012',
    riskOrderStatus: 'SUSPEND'  

## Webhooks

Radial webhooks come in as an XML string, so you have to use a body parser to handle that XML. I believe Express Body Parser can handle it as a plain string, but this module assumes that you are using [Express XML BodyParser]( to turn it into JSON. Eventually we'll have a built-in body parser that you can add to your webhook endpoint, but for now it requires the format generated by xml2js.

### Config

When you configure Radial, include webhook authorization info for any endpoints you plan to use.

var radial = require('node-radial').configure({ // ... webhooks: { paymentAuthCancel: { username: '', password: '' }, paymentSettlementStatus: { username: '', password: '' }, riskOrderStatus: { username: '', password: '' } } });

### Risk Order Status

At your webhook endpoint, pass the request object to authorize and parse the message.

const xmlBodyParser = require('express-xml-bodyparser');'v1/webhooks/radial/risk-order-status', xmlBodyParser(), function (req, res, next) { radial.webhooks.riskOrderStatus(req, function(err, data) { if (err) { // send Radial a 400 or 500 so that they can retry the request return res.status(err.status).send(err.type + ': ' + err.message); } // send a 200 so that Radial will clear the event return res.send('Order risk status received.'); }); });

### Payment Settlement Status

Radial's settlement API is asynchronous, so you will have to set up a webhook endpoint to receive the status of a settlement.

const xmlBodyParser = require('express-xml-bodyparser');'v1/webhooks/radial/payment-settlement-status', xmlBodyParser(), function (req, res, next) { radial.webhooks.paymentSettlementStatus(req, function(err, data) { if (err) { // send Radial a 400 or 500 so that they can retry the request return res.status(err.status).send(err.type + ': ' + err.message); } // send a 200 so that Radial will clear the event return res.send('Payment settlement status received.'); }); });


- **0.6.1:** Modify date formatting for loyalty signup date.
- **0.6.0:** Adds `risk.status` endpoint to retrieve a fraud assessment status.
- **0.5.0:** Adds `payments.auth.cancel` endpoint to cancel a payment authorization.
- **0.4.11:** Improved optional checks for Address fields.
- **0.4.10:** Improve checks for optional fields like Address and Telephone on fraud assessment.
- **0.4.9:** Add functionality to use `SolutionType` field in PayPal SetExpress.
- **0.4.8:** Debug logs for settlement submission.
- **0.4.7:** Test for optional params in risk reply.
- **0.4.6:** Update webhook failure status codes.
- **0.4.5:** Add a `debugMode` parameter.
- **0.4.4:** Fix `paymentCardOptions` missing from fraud request.
- **0.4.3:** Add missing `AddressStatus` in PayPal `getExpress` response.
- **0.4.2:** Parsing fix for risk status list.
- **0.4.1:** Parse amount as a float on settlement webhook response.
- **0.4.0:** Add Risk Order Confirmation endpoint.
- **0.3.10:** Parsing fix for payment settlement status list.
- **0.3.9:** Fix for stupid auto-formatter error.
- **0.3.8:** Add details and parsing for settlement status webhook reply.
- **0.3.7:** Risk assessment reply improvement.
- **0.3.6:** Improve response handling for risk assessment webhook.
- **0.3.5:** Adding payment settlement status webhook endpoint. Webhooks are still not quite ready to go.
- **0.3.4:** Fix bad reference on webhook response.
- **0.3.3:** Path fixes.
- **0.3.2:** Working on webhook authentication.
- **0.3.1:** Path fixes.
- **0.3.0:** Working on body parser. Not fully working yet.
- **0.2.4:** Logging cleanup.
- **0.2.3:** `ItemListRPH` was missing from the fraud assessment request. The module now generates this string automatically from the item list.
- **0.2.2:** Fixes to risk assessment handling of external risk results, payment amount, and server timezone offset.
- **0.2.1:** Fixes to risk assessment XML request and API response.
- **0.2.0:** Allows you to set up multiple stores in configuration.
- **0.1.5:** Implemented risk assessment API endpoint. It's largely untested and prone to lots of bugs.
- **0.1.4:** Fixes for PayPal doAuthorization endpoint.
- **0.1.3:** Add method to get a nonce for use with Radial's JavaScript library. SetExpress returns a `redirectUrl` in addition to the raw token. Finalize doExpress method.
- **0.1.2:** Add PayPal doExpress and doAuthorization endpoints.
- **0.1.1:** Add PayPal getExpress endpoint and generalize the sendRequest lib.
- **0.1.0:** Initial release. Only PayPal setExpress is available so far.
