
Get the real Node require function in Node, or null in browsers, without errors from bundlers.

require, node, node.js, native
npm install node-require-function@1.2.0



Get the real Node require function in Node, or null in browsers, without errors from bundlers.


This package serves 2 main purposes.

1. Get the real require function only in Node.

When using a bundler like Webpack or Browserify, the require function is rewritten to call bundled code. This makes it cumbersome to dynamically include some modules only when run in Node.

If you first require this module, you can get the real Node require function without any bundling warnings or errors, and dynamically require any module you like and not have them bundled.

2. Use require in ES6 modules.

An ES6 module cannot use require function, however with this module it is possible to import a require function.

While ideally this should not be necessary, in some cases it may be useful.


Just require or import the module to get the getRequire function. In a CommonJS module, it is also possible to supply the module-level arguments to get the require function from the module itself. When called, that function will return either the Node require function or null.


Here are some examples showing how to get the native fs module, but only when run in Node.


  • When run outside of Node, the nodeRequire function will be null.
  • The examples using arguments must be placed at the top level of the module.
  • When the arguments object is passed, the require function is the same as the module would normally use when in Node.
  • When the arguments object is not passed, the require function comes from this module itself, so the path will be different when requiring relative paths (leading ./ or ../).

ES5 with arguments

const nodeRequire = require('node-require-function')(arguments);

const fs = nodeRequire ? nodeRequire('fs') : null;

ES5 without arguments

const nodeRequire = require('node-require-function')();

const fs = nodeRequire ? nodeRequire('fs') : null;


import nodeRequireGet from 'node-require-function';

const nodeRequire = nodeRequireGet();

const fs = nodeRequire ? nodeRequire('fs') : null;


If you find a bug or have compatibility issues, please open a ticket under issues section for this repository.


Copyright (c) 2017 Alexander O'Mara

Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

If this license does not work for you, feel free to contact me.


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