Prints out an array of objects in table form

javascript, table, object, array
npm install obj-array-table@1.0.8



I wrote this to use in my personal projects. As such, the documentation is a bit sparse. Look at for usage examples.


format prints out an array of objects in table format. It turns this...

  obj = [
      "First Name": 'John',
      "Last Name": 'Smith',
      alive: true,
      "net.worth": 1199,
      age: 22,
      How_Many_Cats_Owned: 2,
      zip: '00000',
      dob: new Date('Tue Apr 2 1946 20:41:37 GMT-0400 (EDT)')
    }, {
      "First Name": 'Buckaroo',
      "Last Name": 'Banzai',
      alive: false,
      age: 4319
      "net.worth": 100000222.44
      How_Many_Cats_Owned: 1,
      zip: '12345',
      dob: new Date('Tue Dec 25 1957 20:41:37 GMT-0400 (EDT)')

... into this:

│            │           │       │                  │       │  How  │       │                      │
│            │           │       │                  │       │ Many  │       │                      │
│            │           │       │       net        │       │ Cats  │       │                      │
│ First Name │ Last Name │ alive │      worth       │  age  │ Owned │  zip  │         dob          │
│ John       │ Smith     │ true  │       $ 1,199.00 │    22 │     2 │ 00000 │ 04/02/1946  08:41 pm │
│ Buckaroo   │ Banzai    │ false │ $ 100,000,222.44 │ 4,319 │     1 │ 12345 │ 12/25/1957  07:41 pm │

The commas and decimals in the "net worth" column are provided by the numerals npm module. See that documentation for number formatting options. See for an example of how to pass the desired numerals option to format


parse parses a table in the format:

| col1 | strHeader | col3 |
|    1 | hello     |   22 |
|    2 | world     |    4 |

into an array of objects, with the headers as the properties.

    col1: '1',
    strHeader: 'hello',
    col3: '22'
  }, {
    col1: '2',
    strHeader: 'world',
    col3: '4'