Orchestration is a set of utilities for Gulp that help you build and deploy versioned containers into clusters on cloud providers.

orchestration, microservices, gulp
npm install orchestration@0.2.27



Orchestration is a set of utilities for Gulp that help you build and deploy versioned containers into clusters on cloud providers.

Orchestration is not specific to Node.js; you can use these Gulp tasks to deploy containers for any kind of service, written in any kind of language.


Orchestration is divided into multiple NPM modules, each of which you can npm install --save-dev to install:

Orchestration also provides several utility modules:


Configuring your app

You need to have package.json in your app. The name and version of package.json will be used for deployment.

Configuring your app's deployment

Create an orchestration.json file, which describes the files to include and the services that your application exposes:

  "services": {
    "development": [],
    "production": [
        "type": "LoadBalancer",
        /* The external IP of the load balancer; reserve a static IP in your GCP console */
        "ipAddress": "",
        "protocol": "TCP",
        /* Unique name for the exposed service in your cluster */
        "name": "my-service",
        "containerPort": 8080,
        "publicPort": 80
  "files": [
    /* Will be used in a future version, lists the files in your
       app to copy to a Docker container */
    { "env": "environment-name", "name": "environment-specific-file" },

Configuring your cluster

Create a cluster.json file, which describes the target cluster on Google Cloud:

  /* Type of deployment, only Kubernetes on Google Cloud is supported for now */
  "type": "google-cloud-kubernetes",
  /* List of side-by-side deployment environments to support */
  "environments": {
    "development": {
      /* The GCP project for this environment */
      "project": "example-dev",
      /* The name of the GCP cluster for this environment */
      "clusterName": "example-dev",
      /* The zone of the GCP cluster for this environment */
      "clusterZone": "us-central1-f",
      /* The Docker image prefix to use for this environment */
      "dockerImagePrefix": "gcr.io/example-dev/"
    "production": {
      "project": "example",
      "clusterName": "example",
      "clusterZone": "us-central1-f",
      "dockerImagePrefix": "gcr.io/example/"

The AWS CloudFormation provider makes use of CloudFormation templates, and does not use cluster.json.


var configuration = require('orchestration-configuration');
var swagger = require('orchestration-swagger');
var docker = require('orchestration-docker');
var node = require('orchestration-node');
var kubernetes = require('orchestration-kubernetes');

// IMPORTANT: Don't forget to add this line to your Gulp file!
var config = configuration.getConfiguration();

// e.g. to generate sdks based on presence of .json files in sdks/ folder:
gulp.task('swagger-sdks', function(callback) {

// e.g. to build a Docker container from the current folder:
gulp.task('build-docker', function(callback) {
  // targets the 'development' environment
  docker.build(config, 'development', callback);

// e.g. to run your Node.js app from within a Docker container:
gulp.task('test-docker', ['build-docker'], function(callback) {
  // test in dev with 8080 mapped to 8001
  // targets the 'development' environment
  docker.testLocal(config, 'development', { 8001: 8080 }, callback);

// e.g. to run your Node.js app on your host machine:
gulp.task('test-host', ['build'], function(callback) {

// e.g. to deploy your Node.js app to a Kubernetes cluster in Google Cloud
gulp.task('deploy-prod', ['push-docker-prod'], function(callback) {
  // targets the 'production' environment
  kubernetes.deployToCluster(config, 'production', callback);

More functionality and examples coming soon.