A simple redis data layer framework
##install With npm do:
npm install orz
var orz = require('orz')(),
// create a new schema
users = orz.get('name', {
properties: {
id: {
identifier: true,
type: 'int'
name: {
index: true,
type: 'string'
email: {
type: 'string'
// create a new record
id: 123,
name: 'Peter Gao',
email: 'gxcsoccer@126.com'
}, function(err, results) {
if (err) {
// get record by id
users.get(123, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
$ node test.js
{ id: 123, name: 'Peter Gao', email: 'gxcsoccer@126.com' }
var orz = require('orz');
###var r = orz(option={})
init orz object using following options
- namespace --optional, if not set, default value will be "orz"
- redis --optional, if set, use the existing redis connection
- port --optional, the redis server port number
- host --optional, the redis server host
- password --optional, the password for redis authentication
- database --optional, the database number of redis
###r.get(schema) get exists schema by name, or create a new schema
return: a Record object
##Record API
get all records in this collection
r.get('users').all(function(err, records) {
// ...
get the total count of this collection
r.get('users').count(function(err, count) {
// ...
get one record or several records by id/ids
r.get('users').get(123, function(err, user) {
// ...
r.get('users').get([123, 222], function(err, users) {
// ...
query record(s)
// using function
r.get('users').where(function(u) {
return u.name == 'Peter Gao'
}, function(err, users) {
// ...
// using object
name: 'Pater Gao'
}, function(err, users) {
// ...
update record(s)
id: 123,
name: 'GaoXiaochen'
}, function(err) {
// ...
remove record(s)
r.get('users').remove(123, function(err) {
// ...
clear all records in this collection
r.get('users').clear(function(err) {
// ...
###mysql2redis this tool can help u to generate schema automatically. it schema will save to a .json file in './schema' folder
var mysql2redis = require('./tool/mysql2redis');
mysql2redis.getSchema('orz', 'users');