This utility reads JSON in certain format from STDIN or a file, generates combination of values, and outputs to STDOUT or a file.
Sample Input
"breakfast": ["milk", "toast", "bacon & eggs"],
"lunch": ["sandwich", "oily Asian take-away"],
"supper": "some microwave food",
"snacks": ["Mars", "Oreo"],
"budget": 9.99
Input Schema
- Input should be a valid JSON in text
- Each field should be either a scalar value or an array of scalar values
Sample Output
| breakfast | lunch | supper | snacks | budget |
| milk | sandwich | some microwave food | Mars | 9.99 |
| milk | sandwich | some microwave food | Oreo | 9.99 |
| milk | oily Asian take-away | some microwave food | Mars | 9.99 |
| milk | oily Asian take-away | some microwave food | Oreo | 9.99 |
| toast | sandwich | some microwave food | Mars | 9.99 |
| toast | sandwich | some microwave food | Oreo | 9.99 |
| toast | oily Asian take-away | some microwave food | Mars | 9.99 |
| toast | oily Asian take-away | some microwave food | Oreo | 9.99 |
| bacon & eggs | sandwich | some microwave food | Mars | 9.99 |
| bacon & eggs | sandwich | some microwave food | Oreo | 9.99 |
| bacon & eggs | oily Asian take-away | some microwave food | Mars | 9.99 |
| bacon & eggs | oily Asian take-away | some microwave food | Oreo | 9.99 |
Read from STDIN and output to STDOUT
cat some.json | permutation-markdown-table
Read from file and output to STDOUT
permutation-markdown-table -i ./some.json
Output to a file
permutation-markdown-table -o ./
option | description | example |
-h, —help | output usage information | |
-V, —version | output the version number | |
-i, —input | path to the input file | -i ./some.json |
-o, —output | path to the output file | -o ./ |
For convinience, the recommended installation is via NPM.
npm install -g permutation-markdown-table