
organise photos by date taken and create shortcuts to location on lan network

photo, network, organise, date, taken, shortcuts
npm install photosorganiser@1.0.1


Project inspired from

The main goal of the project was to organise all the pictures spread over one or more network drives into a single local location on the users computer with 3 goals in mind:

  1. pictures have to be organised by date taken
  2. local used space should be minimal
  3. browsing pictures should be fast regardless of the network speed

Install once.

npm i photosorganiser -g

Use forever.

photosorganiser sourceFolder targetFolder

Get a structured library (/year/month/) in the target folder having:

  1. shortcut to original picture => labeled as D(day)#hour-minutes-seconds-camera.
  2. miniature picture 200x150 pixels (+/- 6kb) of the original picture => labeled as D(day)#hour-minutes-seconds-camera.
  3. log file in csv format for each launch of the script