
Simplified conversion of DVD images to Plex or other home media server compatable files and filenames.

plex, handbrake, util, utility, video, convert
npm install plex-processor@1.0.4



Plex Processor is an simple, cross-platform method of converting DVD images, or any kind of movie files to Plex compatable files. The conversion process uses Handbrake to transcode the files.

The conversion process is not directly tied to Plex, and can be used with any media server platform.


The script uses the Handbrake --main-feature setting to automatically detect the primary title on the DVD image.

TV Shows

Tracks on DVD images that are within the duration parameters will be converted in order that they appear on the DVD and named in sequential episode numbers.

Command line use


Install Node.js, then run

$ npm install


Call node convert from the command line.

$ node convert

On the first run, you will be prompted to set up your configuration.


  • preset: Choose from the list of Handbrake presets.
  • movie_input: Path to the movie input directory.
  • movie_ouput: Path to the movie output directory.
  • tv_input: Path to the TV input directory.
  • tv_ouput: Path to the TV output directory.
  • archive: Path to place the completed files into.

Ripping a DVD

On Windows, I use MakeMKV. On Mac, I use RipIt. Rip the DVD file(s) to your computer.

If it's a TV show, I name the folder "ShowName 105" (season 1, episode 5).