Main Prolific supervisor executable.

logging, log, syslog, prolific
npm install prolific@5.0.1


Actions Status codecov License: MIT


Prolific is a high-performance logging framework for Node.js with the following features.

  • Log shipping and any processing is done outside the application process in a monitoring process.
  • Lightweight footprint within the application process.
  • Fast triage to quickly reject messages that above the logging level, or based on criteria that test any part of the logging message.
  • Fast batched log transport out of the application at runtime through a pipe.
  • Tunneling fatal messages to the monitor through standard error on a crash.
  • Hot reload of logging configuration to change logging levels on an application in flight.
  • Works well with multi-process applications.

Pending Changes

Prolific will remove the object based processor and replace destruction mechanics with a Destructible instance in Prolific 27.0.0.

Getting Started

require('prolific.shuttle').start({ exit: true })

require('prolific.sink') = 1

const logger = require('prolific.logger').create('example')'test', { local: 2 })

The program will run and produce no output. You'll have to run it under prolific for it produce output. You'll need a Prolific configuration.

processor.triage = function (require) {
    const LEVEL = require('prolific.level')
    return function (level) {
        return level <=

processor.process = function () {
    return function (entries) {
        for (const entry of entries) {

Now you can run the following.

$ prolific -p ./processor.js program.js

High-Throughput But Still Thorough

Inspired by an employer directive to use the logging edicts of The Twelve-Factor App, my first go was to do just as it said, to write logs to standard out and pipe the messages to a log transport program.

However, writes to standard out are synchronous which was a disaster for the performance of the application. This was improved by batching writes, but ultimate we ended up using a library that wrote to a socket.

The problem was then that we where losing final, fatal errors of an application crash. This is because writing to a pipe is asynchronous, but a fatal exception won't write because there will not be a next tick in which to perform the write.

Prolific addresses this performance by running the application program under a monitor. During normal operation the child writes batches of messages over a pipe to the monitor process. In the event of an error exit the pipe is closed and the final messages are encoded into a line format and written to standard error. The monitor pulls the encoded line format out of the standard error stream and reconstructs the messages, feeding them to transport as if it where all one continuous stream.

Although we've deviated from the standard out edict of The Twelve-Factor App, we've maintained the spirit of the edict, that the application should do no log processing or transport on its own, producing a stream of log messages. We've merely tweaked the pipe down which that stream flows to be more resilient so that no part of the stream is lost.

Am I making it up? No. This is a problem that Pino, for example, addresses the same fatal error handling issues with which is used in this snippet of code to prevent log loss. Prolific performs this automatically, transparently.

Multi-Process Ready

Prolific was designed to monitor multi-process servers. It can ship the logs for multiple child processes using one monitor to serivce a number of child processes. The synchronous fatal error tunneling is done in such a way that even when multiple child processes are spewing their hurt down a common pipe, the Prolific monitor is still able to extract the tunneled message from the interplated text in the stream.

Prolific Fast Triage

You control logging levels, not through a flag or string defination, but through a JavaScript function.

processor.triage = function (require) {
    const LEVEL = require('prolific.level')
    return function (level) {
        return level <= LEVEL.warn

You define a triage function builder. The builder will create a triage function. We use a builder so you have an opportunity to require any dependencies needed in your triage function.

The triage function is pushed into your application and used by the logging framework to triage log messages. No pattern matching, string munging logic, just a function — a function that gets compiled and possibly inlined so that the logging check is a fast as possible.

Actually, the triage function is called with the entire logging message, so you can create whatever sort of filter you'd like based on the logging message properties.

processor.triage = function (require) {
    const LEVEL = require('prolific.level')
    return function (level, header, body, system) {
        return level <= LEVEL.warn || header.qualifier == 'compassion'

The above would log warnings or worse, plus everything from the logger from the Compassion NPM module. They components are kept apart to save the cost of merging, the components will be merged into a single logging entry if triage passes.

Note that triage functions are synchronous.

Processor Functions

While the triage function is synchronous, the process function is asynchronous, so you can perform whatever network communication you need to to get your logs to their final resting place. Your process function can do whatever sort of log processing it needs to, or it might be as simple as this.

processor.process = async function (require) {
    const axios = require('axios')
    return async function (entries) {
        await'http://logger.local/ingest', entries)

The processor does not run in your application process. It runs in the monitor process. It is called with a batch of messages so you can send them over the network in batches.

You define a constructor function that returns a processor function. Both the constructor function and processor function can be async functions so you can perform asynchronous work in your processor.

Processor Objects

If you need to clean up after your processor you can instead return a processor object. The example below doesn't do any error handling, sadly, but you get the picture.

processor.process = async function (require) {
    const net = require('net')
    const socket = net.connect('logger.local:8514')
    await new Promise(resolve => socket.once('connect', resolve))
    return {
        process: async function (entry) {
            await new Promise(resolve => socket.write(JSON.stringify(entry), resolve))
        destroy: function () {

The destroy method can also be async.

Logging Configuration

Logging configuration is code. It consists of the triage and processor function. They are similar to a Node.js module, but they are not Node.js modules.

processor.triage = function (require) {
    const LEVEL = require('prolific.level')
    return function (level, header, body, system) {
        return level <= LEVEL.warn || header.qualifier == 'bigeasy#compassion'

processor.process = async function (require) {
    const axios = require('axios')
    return async function (entries) {
        await'http://logger.local/ingest', entries)

You define the triage function and the processor in the same file. You must define both, there are no defaults.


You can update your logging triage and processor for an running application by updating the logging configuration file. The Prolific monitor will detect the change, reload the file, compile the functions and push the new triage function into your application process.

This is a risky proposition, of course. It is useful for low risk changes like changing the logging level. But, it is helpful to do things like change logging levels in flight, or send logging to a different endpoint if one fails.

You should verify the changes using unit testing prior to deploying a change. You can also have different configurations that you've already tested that you can switch to regularly to ensure that the different logging configurations work well and transition well.