
Data from the PSX Data Center, in serialized form

playstation, psx, data, games, listing
npm install psxdata@1.0.4


PSX Data

Data and tools for serializing data provided by the PSX Data Center


Build Status codecov

The parser utility is included. To use it, you will need Node and the Yarn package manager installed.

Then, having cloned this repository, run yarn && yarn sync in the root directory.

If some data changes, feel free to send a pull request with the updated data, and/or parsing logic!

Data Format

Data is sorted into per-platform folders, then per-region files.

Note: the format of the data is in flux while this project is established. There's a good chance that once individual games' data can be parsed the index format will change.


Each index file contains a JSON array of objects obeying the following format:

  • id (string, or Array of strings)
    the ID (or IDs, in the case of multi-disc games) of the game release
  • title (string)
    the game's title
  • discs (number)
    the number of discs comprising the game release (inferred from number of product codes)
  • languages (Array of strings, optional)
    a list of language IDs, these are intended to comply with ISO 639-1 and accept regional variants (such as en-AU) where necessary.
    Note: some languages in the data set are non-standard, however, these can be distinguished by the first and/or second letters not being lower-case.
  • link (URL string, optional)
    the fully-qualified internet URL for the PSX Data Center's entry for the title, if it exists
  • includes (string, or Array of strings, optional)
    a brief description of the extra content included with the release - extra or named discs, for instance


Note that the license declared in this repository applies only to the parser utility (basically, the JavaScript).

The data set itself has no known license, but crediting the PSX Data Center if you use it sure wouldn't go astray!