
Converts the rules generated by the jQuery QueryBuilder library into native database query languages. Fork from querybuilder-rules to format for postgresql queries

npm install querybuilder-rules-mc@0.0.3



A subset of the jQuery QueryBuilder library, modified to work in a node.js environment. This module allows you to convert the rules object that's generated by the jQuery QueryBuilder UI into the native query language for various database engines.

##Supported Databases

  • SQL
  • MongoDB


//an example of a rules object that's generated by the jQuery QueryBuilder UI.
var rules = {
  "condition": "AND",
  "rules": [
      "id": "name",
      "field": "name",
      "type": "string",
      "input": "text",
      "operator": "equal",
      "value": "Sh"

//load this module
var QueryBuilder = require('querybuilder-rules');

//create a new instance variable
var qb = new QueryBuilder();

//generate a SQL Where statement
console.log(qb.getSQL(false, false, rules).sql);

//generate mongoDB find parameter


#####.getSQL(mode, linebreaks, rules)

parameter description
  • false to output plain SQL
  • 'question_mark' to output prepared statement with ? placeholders
  • 'numbered' to output prepared statement with numbered ($1, $2, ...) placeholders
  • 'named' to output prepared statement with named (:id, :category, ...) placeholders
linebreaks Set to true to enable new lines in output.
rules The rules object that's generated by the jQuery QueryBuilder library.

Returns an object with two keys:

key description
sql SQL WHERE statement for a given set of rules.
params If mode is not set to false, this value will contain an array of parameters that belong to the corresponding placeholders that exist in the SQL statement.


Returns an object representing the MongoDB find parameter for a given set of rules.

###Tests Enter the following command at the CLI to run the full set of Mocha tests:

make test

###Contributions Your contributions are appreciated! If you'd like to add support for a additional database engines, please include a full set of tests.

###License Covered under the MIT Licesnse, Copyright (c) 2016 Riffyn, Inc.