When working with Ramda path*
or lens
functions a lot, hand-building path arrays gets tiresome.
Pathify builds path arrays for Ramda, so you don't have to!
Step 1. Install it!
> npm install ramda-pathify
Step 2. Use it!
Simply pathify
a string that looks exactly how you'd reference the object property's path in normal JavaScript code.
Modern ES6 codebases can use pathify with tag syntax:
const { lensPath, view } = require('ramda')
const pathify = require('ramda-pathify')
const mcHammer = pathify`too.legit[0].tooLegit['to-quit']`
// ------------> ['too', 'legit', 0, 'tooLegit', 'to-quit']
const retro = lensPath(mcHammer)
const musicVideo = {
too: {
legit: [
tooLegit: { 'to-quit': 'https://youtu.be/wiyYozeOoKs' }
view(retro, musicVideo) // --> https://youtu.be/wiyYozeOoKs
Legacy ES5 codebases can use pathify as a function instead:
const R = require('ramda')
const pathify = require('ramda-pathify')
const mcHammer = pathify('too.legit[0].tooLegit["to-quit"]')
// ------------> ['too', 'legit', 0, 'tooLegit', 'to-quit']
const retro = R.lensPath(mcHammer)
const musicVideo = {
too: {
legit: [
tooLegit: { 'to-quit': 'https://youtu.be/wiyYozeOoKs' }
R.view(retro, musicVideo) // --> https://youtu.be/wiyYozeOoKs
Step 3. Profit !!!
Useful when refactoring code that has unsafe references to deeply nested properties.
- const unsafe = (band) => band.too.legit[0].tooLegit['to-quit']
- unsafe(vanillaIce) // --> Error! Cannot reference property "legit" of undefined.
+ const safe = pathOr(`N/A`, pathify`too.legit[0].tooLegit['to-quit']`)
+ safe(vanillaIce) // --> 'N/A'