[![Build](https://github.com/umidbekk/rapidbundle/workflows/Main/badge.svg)](https://github.com/umidbekk/rapidbundle/actions/workflows/main.yml) [![install size](https://packagephobia.com/badge?p=rapidbundle)](https://packagephobia.com/result?p=rapidbundl

esbuild, esm, github-actions, nodejs, typescript
npm install rapidbundle@0.1.2



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npm i -D rapidbundle
# or with yarn
yarn add -D rapidbundle


npx rapidbundle
# or with yarn
yarn rapidbundle

GitHub Action

  • Creates a single file bundle for each entry

  • Scans action.yml to obtain build info

    • Infers entries from the .runs.main, .runs.pre and .runs.post fields
    • Infers target Node version from the .runs.using field


  1. Entry file should be located in the src directory.
  2. Output files should be located in the dist directory.

This allows us to properly infer entry point name from the action.yml.

For example, if you have action.yml like that:

  using: "node12"
  pre: "./dist/setup.js"
  main: "./dist/index.js"
  post: "./dist/cleanup.js"

It will produce 3 output files in dist directory and look for the same file paths in src directory

β”œβ”€ src
β”‚  β”œβ”€ setup.ts
β”‚  β”œβ”€ index.ts
β”‚  └─ cleanup.ts
β”œβ”€ dist
β”‚  β”œβ”€ setup.js
β”‚  β”œβ”€ index.js
β”‚  └─ cleanup.js
└─ action.yml

Node Package

  • Creates a single file bundle for each entry

  • Scans package.json to obtain build info

    • Infers entries from the .bin, .main, .module and .types fields
    • Infers target Node version from the .engines.node field


  1. Entry file should be located in the src directory.
  2. Output files should be located in the dist directory.

This allows us to properly infer entry point names from the package.json.

For example, if you have package.json like that:

  "bin": "./dist/cli.js",
  "main": "./dist/index.cjs",
  "module": "./dist/index.js",
  "types": "./dist/index.d.ts"

It will produce 3 output files in dist directory.

β”œβ”€ src
β”‚  β”œβ”€ cli.ts
β”‚  └─ index.ts
β”œβ”€ dist
β”‚  β”œβ”€ cli.js
β”‚  β”œβ”€ index.js
β”‚  β”œβ”€ index.cjs
β”‚  └─ types.d.ts
└─ action.yml


File names should not have multiple . signs in it:

  • dist/mod.js will be mapped to src/mod and extension will be resolved automatically
  • dist/mod.es.js will be mapped to src/mod.es and will use .es extension