Preview your Markdown locally as it would appear on GitHub, with live updating
is short for Readme Driven Development.
Quick start
Requires Node.js.
$ ls
$ npx rdd --open
Serving on
Here we’re using the --open
flag to open the rendered Markdown file in our default web browser. The rendered page will be updated automatically whenever we edit and save
rdd [file]
Render and serve the given Markdown file
rdd format [files..] Auto-format the given Markdown files [aliases: fmt]
rdd serve [file] Render and serve the given Markdown file [default]
rdd toc [files..] Insert a table of contents into the given Markdown files
file [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-d, --dark Enable dark mode [boolean] [default: false]
-f, --format Auto-format the Markdown file on save[boolean] [default: false]
-o, --open Open the rendered file in your default web browser
[boolean] [default: false]
-p, --port Set the preferred port to serve the rendered file
[number] [default: 8888]
Use <!-- toc -->
and <!-- tocstop -->
to demarcate where the table of contents should be rendered in your Markdown file.
To “commit” the table of contents to the file, do:
$ npx rdd toc
$ npm install --global rdd
Known issues
- Syntax highlighting for code blocks (using Highlight.js) is slightly different from what GitHub actually uses
Prior art
- Grip is a similar tool written in Python