
A react component for handling promises inside JSX.

async, await, jsx, promise, react
npm install react-await@1.3.1


react-await – handle promises the react way!

A react component for handling promises inside JSX.


Use your favourite node package manager to install react-await together with it's peer dependency react.

# install via NPM …
$ npm install --save react react-await

# … or yarn
$ yarn add react react-await


Basic example using fetch:

import React from "react";
import {Await, Pending, Rejected, Resolved} from "react-await";

function MyIP() {
  const promise = fetch("").then(r => r.json());

  return (
    <Await promise={promise}>
      <Resolved>{json => <div>My IP: {json.ip}</div>}</Resolved>
      <Rejected>{error => <div>{error.message}!</div>}</Rejected>
      <Pending><div>Fetching …</div></Pending>

Each of the three components Resolved, Rejected and Pending support a render function or regular JSX components as children. When using render functions, the Resolved component will pass the promise's result and the Rejected component the rejection reason as an argument.

Additionally, there is a Then component which combines the functionallity of the three separate components. It only accepts a render callback as child, which will be invoked with the current promise state (pending, resolved or rejected), an optional result and an optional rejection reason. You should use Then if your component has inner state and must not be unmounted between promise state transitions.

The example from above could also be written as the following:

import React from "react";
import {Await, Then, PromiseState} from "react-await";

function MyIP() {
  const promise = fetch("").then(r => r.json());

  return (
    <Await promise={promise}>
        {(state, json, error) => {
          switch (state) {
            case PromiseState.Resolved:
              return <div>My IP: {json.ip}</div>;
            case PromiseState.Rejected:
              return <div>{error.message}!</div>;
            case PromiseState.Pending:
              return <div>Fetching …</div>;

As react-await uses the new context introduced with react 16.3 internally, rendering multiple or nested Resolved, Rejected, Pending and Then components is also supported. Additionaly, the Await component will automatically cleanup callback functions from old promises when passing a new promise or unmounting.

Try it on!
