React component to map a list of data to a component based on its type

react, component
npm install react-map-to-components@1.2.1



React component to map a list of data to a component based on its type.

This component is especially useful when processing data from an external source with a flexible nature, such as Prismic Slices and WordPress ACF Flexible Content.

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MapToComponents takes a list and renders a list of components using a mapping object. The following example shows the simplest use case.

import React from 'react'
import MapToComponents from 'react-map-to-components'

const list = [
  { id: 1, type: 'HeroBlock', text: 'Text for a Hero component' },
  { id: 2, type: 'CallToActionBlock', text: 'Hey', buttonText: 'Call Me' },
  { id: 3, type: 'FooterBlock', year: 2074 },

const App = () => (
    getKey={(x) =>}
    getType={(x) => x.type}
      HeroBlock: Hero,
      CallToActionBlock: CallToAction,
      FooterBlock: (props) => <Footer foo="bar" {...props} />,

In this example, MapToComponents will render a list of components using list by performing the following:

  1. For each item in the list, get a key using getKey. getKey should return a unique value for each item in the list, such an an ID or UUID. This value will be used as the key prop when rendering the component.

    Read why this is necessary on React's Lists and Keys guide.

  2. For each item in the list, get a type using getType. getType should return a string with a property in the map object corresponding to a React component. If getType returns a string without a property in map, an error will be thrown by default. The default behavior can be overriden if you have a default component to render.

  3. Using the key and type for each item in the list, a component is rendered for each item. The component used is determined by the type and component key-value mapping in map.

Something like the following would be rendered by MapToComponents:

const App = [
  <Hero key={1} />,
  <CallToAction key={2} />,
  <Footer foo="bar" key={3} />,

Providing props to components

In the previous example, notice that an item with type FooterBlock would render <Footer> with the prop foo="bar". By creating a new function component in map, you can provide default props to your components. This is in contrast to just passing a reference to a component, as is done with <Hero> and <CallToAction>.

By default, no props except key are passed to the components.

To pass props to the components using data derived from the object in the list, you can provide a mapDataToProps prop to MapToComponents.


To pass dynamic props to your components, provide an object to the mapDataToProps prop. This prop is similar to map in that your object should be a mapping of a list element's type to a function. The function should return an object of props to provide to the type's component.

  getKey={(x) =>}
  getType={(x) => x.type}
    HeroBlock: Hero,
    CallToActionBlock: CallToAction,
    FooterBlock: (props) => <Footer foo="bar" {...props} />,
    HeroBlock: ({ data }) => ({ text: data.text }),
    CallToAction: ({ data }) => ({ buttonText: data.buttonText }),
    FooterBlock: ({ data }) => ({ year: data.year }),

In the above example, the <Hero> component would receive a text prop with the value data.text, where data is the element in the list that maps to the HeroBlock type.

Likewise, <CallToAction> would receive a buttonText prop, and Footer would receive both foo and year props.

Each function in mapDataToProps has access to the current element, data about the element such as index, and data about sibling elements. See the mapDataToProps API for a list of all values available.


There may be times where you need to reference data from other elements in the list, such as the previous or next element, that influences the data you pass to your component.

Using just mapDataToProps, the only way to access a sibiling's derived data (i.e. data that is dynamically created, not statically available on the element) is to set it on mapDataToProp's return object. Since all values returned from mapDataToProps are passed to the element's component, this forces the contextual data to be passed to the component, which may be unwanted.

Data about the next element is also not available yet as the list is mapped synchronously.

Instead, you can provide a mapDataToContext prop to create contextual data about an element. This works exactly like mapDataToProps. The objects returned from the mapDataToContext functions are available to the mapDataToProps functions under the context properties.

Unlike mapDataToProps, data returned from mapDataToContext is not passed to the component automatically.

Each function in mapDataToProps has access to the current element, data about the element such as index, and data about sibling elements. See the mapDataToContext API for a list of all values available.



  • getKey: (Function) Function that returns a unique key for an element in the list. Required.
  • getType: (Function) Function that returns the type for an element in the list. Required.
  • list: (Array): List of data. This can be an array containing mixed types.
  • map: (Object): Object mapping a data type to a React component to be rendered.
  • mapDataToProps: (Object) Object mapping a data type to a function returning props for the component to be rendered.
  • mapDataToContext: (Object) Object mapping a data type to a function returning contextual data for the element.
  • meta: (Any) Arbitrary data that is made available to functions in mapDataToProps and mapDataToContext.
  • default: (Component) Component to be rendered if an element type is not defined in map. This component always receives type as a prop.
  • defaultMapDataToProps: (Function) Function used to determine props for a type not defined in mapDataToProps.
  • defaultMapDataToContext: (Function) Function used to determine context for a type not defined in mapDataToContext.


Functions in the object passed to mapDataToProps and defaultMapDataToProps are provided an object as their only argument with the following properties:


  • list: (Array) List of elements.
  • keys: (Array) List of keys for each element in list.
  • types: (Array) List of types for each element in list.
  • comps: (Array) List of components for each element in list.
  • contexts: (Array) List of context values for each element in list.
  • map: (Object) Mapping of types to React components.
  • meta: (Any) Data provided to the meta prop.


  • data: (Any) The current element.
  • index: (Integer) The index for the current element.
  • context: (Object) The context for the current element.
  • key: (Any) The key for the current element.
  • type: (String) The type for the current element.
  • Comp: (Component) The component for the current element.

Previous element

  • previousData: (Any) The previous element.
  • previousContext: (Object) The context for the previous element.
  • previousKey: (Any) The key for the previous element.
  • previousType: (String) The type for the previous element.
  • PreviousComp: (Component) The component for the previous element.

Next element

  • nextData: (Any) The next element.
  • nextContext: (Object) The context for the next element.
  • nextKey: (Any) The key for the next element.
  • nextType: (String) The type for the next element.
  • NextComp: (Component) The component for the next element.


Same signature as mapDataToProps. All context properties will be undefined and should not be used.