React Rangy Highlighter
Web annotation tool that allows users to apply highlights on the selected text and add annotations.
Peer Dependencies
react-rangy-highlighter relize on two dependencies. It utilizes the rangy/core which is a cross browser Javascript library that helps with processing user text selection. It also takes advantage of react-redux for updating anntotations across components seemlessly.
NOTE: You need to have both rangy and react-redux installed to be able to use this library.
npm install rangy rangy-serializer @types/rangy
npm install @reduxjs/toolkit@next react-redux
npm install react-rangy-highlighter --save
import Highlighter from "react-rangy-highlighter";
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Highlighter annotator />
export default App;
: Defaults to false. Allows the user to make annotations on the web -
: Defaults to false. Allows the user to save their highlights and annotations in localStorage